Tuvaraka (Hydnocarpus laurifolia)

The Tuvaraka tree is a deciduous evergreen that can reach a height of 16 meters or more. The bark is initially rough, dark, and woody, but it eventually turns streaky and brownish-grey from fungus sap stain. The leaves are 10–16 cm long, oblong, ovate or elliptic, and somewhat serrated. This herb has tiny, single fascicles that are greenish-white in color. Fruits have a diameter of 5.1–10.2 cm and are globose, mammilate, and tomentose. September and August are when it produces its fruits. The seeds are 2.0–2.5 cm long, striate, subovoid, and obtusely angular. Flowering takes place from January through April.

General Information

In traditional Ayurvedic medicine, tuvaraka plants are extremely important medicinally. It is well known that using this herb to treat skin conditions works wonders. Tuvaraka is an extremely successful leprosy therapy. This herb has numerous antibacterial, antipyretic, therapeutic, and curative qualities. This plant also aids in blood purification and works well to treat urinary tract infections. The chemical components of these herbs include hypnocarpic acid, chaulmoogric and its homologues, gorlic, oleic, and palmitic acids, anigenin, luteolin, chrysocnisol, hydnocarpin, isohydnocarpin, and methoxy hydnocarpin. These chemical compounds provide additional health benefits in addition to helping treat a variety of diseases.


The plants can be found in the hilly areas of Assam and Tripura, as well as in the Western Ghats ranges, which stretch from Maharashtra to Kerala. Along with a few other Southeast Asian nations, Uganda, Nigeria, and Sri Lanka also cultivate it.


  • Kingdom – Plantae
  • Order - Malpighiales
  • Family - Flacourtiaceae


  • Latin name - Hydnocarpus laurifolia
  • Sanskrit name – Turveraka, Tuvrak, Kushtavairi, Tuvaraka
  • English name – Soorty oil tree
  • Hindi name – Chalmoogra, Jangali badam, Chalmogra
  • Bengali name – Choulmogara
  • Kannada name – Garuda Phala
  • Marathi name – Kadu Kaveet
  • Malayalam name – Kodi
  • Tamil name – Maravattai
  • Farsi name – Phiranjamogra
  • Telugu name – Adavi Badam

Ayurvedic Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)

Katu, Tikta, Kashaya

Astringent Pungent, Bitter

Guna (Physical Property)

Snigdha, Tikshana

Unctuous, Sharp

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Effects on Doshas

It is used to handle Kapha and Vata diseases.

Practical Uses

  • It's well known that Tuvaraka is a very powerful herb for treating skin issues. The symptoms of skin illnesses such as ringworm, psoriasis, eczema, and scabies can be effectively managed by using this herb. It facilitates wound healing on its own.
  • Tuvaraka bark contains tannins that have antipyretic qualities and help reduce fevers.
  • This herb is incredibly rich in blood-purifying qualities. As a result, it has long been used to cure leprosy. Scaly eruptions and other syphilitic skin conditions can be effectively treated by dressing with this plant.
  • Using this plant to treat urinary tract infections works really well. This herb can also be used as a vaginal disinfectant for postpartum gonorrhea and foul-smelling discharge.
  • Tuvaraka seed powder is useful for treating lightheadedness and dizziness. As a result, this herb gives the body more energy.
  • Utilizing this herb can also help treat digestive issues such as ascites and helminthiasis. It is an anthelmintic, purgative, and emetic.
  • Using this herb can help manage diabetes quite a little. It aids in controlling the body's elevated blood sugar levels. Moreover, it aids in regulating the release of sugar in urine.
  • This is really helpful in the cholera treatment process.
  • Tuvaraka is said to be a useful plant for treating respiratory issues and lung issues. It facilitates the removal of mucus and phlegm from the bronchial tubes, respiratory tracts, and nasal passages. As a result, this herb works wonders for treating TB, bronchitis, nasal congestion, and chest congestion.
  • This herb can help treat a number of different medical conditions, including gout, rheumatoid arthritis, lymphadenopathy, fistula, bone ulcers, and fistulas.
  • This plant is also beneficial for rheumatism, as it helps to reduce joint, hand, and leg swelling, discomfort, and inflammation.

Parts Used

Seed and Seed Oil.