
Curcuma longa, a perennial herbaceous plant, can reach a height of one meter. This plant has alternating, smooth, green leaves that taper at both ends and are placed in pairs. The petiole, leaf blade, and leaf sheath are additional divisions of leaves. The leaves are about two feet long, with a fake stem emerging from the leaf sheath. Rhizomes that are cylindrical, aromatic, yellow to orange in color, and heavily branching are produced by this plant. The plant often produces hermaphrodite blooms around August, which is when it flowers. The flowers are grouped in pairs of five and have a dull yellow color.

General information

Asia has been using turmeric for thousands of years. It was first utilized as a dye before becoming well-known for its therapeutic applications. This amazing herb is used to make a variety of medications in Ayurveda and is well-known for its therapeutic properties. This herb is mostly utilized as rhizome powder, and some ayurvedic preparations use the herb's pure extract. This amazing plant is utilized in Ayurveda medicine to treat internal illnesses like dyspepsia, the common cold, and several liver-related conditions. It is applied externally to numerous skin-related conditions and wound healing.

This herb is often used in religious and marriage ceremonies in India. Hindu tradition places great importance on the haldi ceremony at weddings. Turmeric paste is applied on couples' bodies according to custom; this has the dual benefits of softening the skin and shielding the bride and groom from evil spirits. These rhizomes are utilized in Tamil Nadu's Pongal festival to worship God Surya, the sun god. It is a subpar fabric dye that is used to color clothing. It's also used to preserve canned food and Indian dishes including pickles, curries, and salads.

Eugenol, epiprocurcumenol, camphene, camphor, bornel, curcumene, curone, curidone, curcumenone, curzerenone, cineole,  curcumins, beta-sitosetrol, procurcumadiol, and procurcumenol are the main chemical components found in this herb.

Special note about Curcuma Longa

There are several herbs that are used to cure diabetes, however, turmeric is not compared to any herbs. The best application for this herb is in the management of diabetes. It functions as a preventative and curative agent.


India is the primary home of turmeric. It is grown in China, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Philippines, Malaysia, Madagascar, and Vietnam in addition to tropical regions of Africa.


  • Kingdom – Plantae
  • Order - Zingibrales
  • Family – Zingibraceae


  • Hindi name – Haldi, Haridra
  • English name – Turmeric
  • Telugu name – Pasupu kommulu, Pasupu
  • Tamil name – Manjal
  • Kannada name – Arishina
  • Gujarati name – Haladar
  • Punjabi name – Halaj, Haldar, Haldi 
  • Marathi name – Halad
  • Arabian name – Kumkum
  • Malayalam name – Manjal
  • Farsi name - Zardchob

Ayurvedic Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)

Katu, Tikta

Pungent, Bitter

Guna (Physical Property)

Ruksha, Laghu

Dry, Light

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Effects on Doshas

It balances all three doshas in body i.e. vata, pitta and kapha.

Charak Samhita

Sushrut Samhita



  • Lekhaniya – a group of herbs that are scraped.
  • Kushtaghna – a group of herbal remedies for leprosy.
  • Kandughna – Group of plants used as an itch remedy.
  • Krimighna – A group of plants used to infest worms.
  • Shiro-virechana – Herbal group is utilized to eliminate the dosha from the head.
  • Haridradi varga
  • Mustadi varga
  • Shleshmana varga
  • Hardiradi varga
  • Mustadi varga
  • Haritkayadi varga

Practical uses

  • Curcuma has several uses in medicine, including blood purification, the treatment of atherosclerosis, clearing up buildup in blood vessels, and the elimination of toxins from the body. It is utilized to cleanse the body of excess kapha and meda dosha.
  • It's applied to the management of diabetes. The herb turmeric has been shown to be quite effective when used to treat diabetes.
  • Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, this plant is used to treat bone-related illnesses and reduce inflammation.
  • Because it is a stimulant, it is used to increase the fire in the digestive system, as a stomach tonic, and to treat a variety of digestive system disorders.
  • Its paste is applied externally to help heal wounds and revitalize skin tone. It is a common ingredient in cosmetics and is also used to treat sores.
  • It is applied externally to wound healing and bug bites. In addition, it is used to treat ringworm and to reduce gum bleeding and inflammation.
  • It is used to treat various health problems and has antibacterial and antioxidant properties.
  • Its paste is applied externally to treat pimples and acne. Treating anemia is another benefit.
  • It is the primary home remedy for coughs and common colds.
  • It is particularly efficient in treating breast cancer and is also used to lessen the symptoms of skin malignancies.
  • This herb's heated potency is utilized to balance the Vata and Kapha doshas, and its dry qualities, bitter taste, and pungent flavor are used to balance the Kapha dosha.

Part used



  • Fresh juice: 10-20ml
  • Powder: 1-3gm