Narikel / Coconut (Cocos Nucifera)

The primary teaching of the age-old Ayurvedic path is that all aspects of life are interconnected. Ayurveda is a science that teaches us about life, or optimal well-being. The special emphasis placed by Ayurvedic science on balancing our internal doshas in accordance with the outside environment is essential to overall well-being. Ayurveda uses Sanskrit terms like Vata, Pitta, and Kapha to explain certain fundamental functioning principles. Everything in this universe has a natural Gunna that may be used to describe it, just as certain attributes can be used to explain any herb or mineral. Ayurveda provides a range of therapy modalities through the use of several protocols: Herbal remedies, yoga treatment, rejuvenation therapies like kuti praveshika or rasaynik therapy, or the removal of toxins using only natural intelligence are some examples of what it might include. You could live a healthy, disease-free life in the future with this traditional medicine. We will talk about a very fortunate herb called Narikel, or coconut, in this essay. Its fruit is consumed before the start of any auspicious activity and is thought to be a good luck charm.

General Information

The coconut, scientifically known as Cocus nucifera, is a member of the Arecaceae family and is the only surviving species of the Cocos genus. It is widely referred to as "Nariyal" in India and even outside. The term "coconut" describes the entire plant, including the palm, seed, and drupe. The coconut tree yields food, fuel, cosmetics, and a host of other benefits. Coconuts are unique among fruits because their endosperm contains a transparent liquid that is referred to as coconut water. There are several uses for ripened coconuts, including the production of coconut milk, processed oil, and edible seeds. It is usually referred to as Nariyal, sriphal, or narel in Hindi; narikel in Bengali; naliyar in Gujarati; naral in Marathi; kopa or narel in Punjabi; and palm, copra, coconut, and porcupine wood in English.

Special Note About Coconut 

  • This plant is highly beneficial for Pitta and Vata dosha management.
  • This herb has been referenced by Acharya Charak in the Charak Samhita under the heading of agrah aushadh varga.
  • Its medicinal qualities have also been highlighted by Acharya Sushrut in their separate texts.
  • He has also considered the qualities of this plant in Bhavprakash nighantu.

Systemic Classification

  • Botanical Name -  Cocus nucifera
  • Family - Arecaceae
  • Genus - Cocus
  • Species -  C. Nucifera


  • Dridaphal - Hardened fruit
  • Kurchsheershaka - The tree’s head looks like a brush
  • Skandaphala - Rich in southern regions of India
  • Dakshinatyak - Is profoundly situated in the southern states
  • Sadaphala - There are usually fruits on top of the tree.
  • Rasaphala - Consists of good flavor
  • Trinaraj - King of grasses
  • Tung - A very tall tree
  • Putodak or toyagarbha - The fruit is filled with water.


  • Originating in Indomalaya, coconut palms are found along tropical coasts.
  • With a slender, ringed trunk and a delicate crown of large, featherlike leaves, the height can reach up to 25 meters (80 feet) from a swelling base. Its stem is slim.
  • Its pinnae are 2-3 feet long and its pinnate leaves are 4-6 meters (15-22 feet) long.
  • ripe fruits, round or oval in form, visually appealing, and edible. Its exterior color is dark brown, indicating that it is a drupe rather than a nut.
  • The blossoms have a yellow hue.
  • Although it dries out in the summer, it might also appear to be present throughout the year.

Classical Categorization

According to Acharya Priya Vrat Sharma, this herb is utilized to balance the Kapha and Vata doshas and is specifically focused on being an anti-epileptic herb.

Ayurvedic Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)



Guna (Physical Property)

Guru, Snigdha

Heavy, Unctuous

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Effects On Doshas

  • It balances the Vata and Pitta dosha
  • For those in need, this plant boosts immunity and increases strength.

Practical Uses

  • With its guru and snigdha guna, this herb balances the vata and pitta doshas; its madhur or Sheetal gunna works on the pitta dosha.
  • Because it digests more easily, controlling high cholesterol levels lessens oxidative cell damage.
  • Because coconut water contains bioactive ingredients, it can help remove kidney stones.
  • In addition to being easily and lightly digested, coconut water lowers the risk of heart attacks and supplies nearly all of the important nutrients needed daily.
  • incredibly high in vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, potassium, and salt.
  • It greatly improves night vision and strengthens the muscles in the eyes.
  • Balances the electrolyte imbalance, allowing patients with dehydration, fever, extreme thirst, and difficulty urinating to get it.
  • It can be applied cosmetically as a moisturizer, sunscreen, etc.
  • Numerous obstetrical and gynecological conditions are treated with dysmenorrhea or leukorrhea.
  • In addition to weakness, it may alleviate ulcers, hyperacidity, overall debility, and sexual vitality.
  • This is the traditional way of taking care of black hair, dandruff, alopecia, and numerous other skin-related issues.
  • Coconuts include lauric acid, which aids in balancing hormones that might disrupt our mental and physical well-being.
  • Its leaves and raw fruit can be decocted to assist in treating diarrhea and blood-mixed diarrhea.
  • Its water is used to clean ulcers and non-healing wounds.
  • Coconut water helps with urine retention, while flower preparation is used to enhance urination frequency.
  • Its ripening fruit acts as an aphrodisiac and helps in the induction of menstruation.

Part used

Flowers, Roots, Fruits, and oil preparation


  • Its fruit can be used in the quantity of 10-20 grams.
  • Its oil can be used in 10 to 20 drops.
  • Kshar preparation is about 1 to 2 grams.