Chamomile (Matricaria Chamomilla)

Since ancient times, the herb chamomile has been utilized for therapeutic purposes. This plant has primarily been used to alleviate digestive issues and reduce anxiety. It is an Asteraceae family herb that resembles a daisy. Egypt, Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Eastern Europe, and Morocco are all native habitats for this herb. There are numerous species of it, but two of them are primarily utilized to make herbal teas and infusions. The plant chamomile is thought to be harmless and has been used to cure a variety of illnesses, particularly sleeplessness and gastrointestinal problems. It has been utilized in the medicinal form to treat a variety of medical ailments in Ayurveda and homeopathy. There are numerous medicinal benefits of chamomile. This herb's dried blooms are rich in terpenoids and flavonoids, which provide therapeutic benefits. Numerous health issues, including inflammation, hay fever, menstrual irregularities, ulcers, sleeplessness, wounds, rheumatism and associated discomfort, gastrointestinal issues, and hemorrhoids, are treated with chamomile and its therapeutic preparations. It aids in easing uncomfortable colicky pain. There are many developed medicinal uses for this herb, but the herbal tea, consumed daily by millions of people, is the most well-known.

General Description

The stem of chamomile is hollow and upright. It is a little plant that can reach heights of 8 to 16 inches. Its flowers have a white collar around a yellow cone-shaped core and resemble daisies. The bipinnately patterned leaves seem fluffy to the touch. The aroma of chamomile is pleasant and pineapple-like.

  • Common Name - Pinheads, scented mayweed, German-hundskamille, Chamomile, Mayweed, and pineapple weed.
  • Botanical Name - Matricaria Chamomila
  • Family - Asteraceae/Compositae


Although chamomile originally came from Europe, it has since become a common plant throughout most of the world due to its health advantages. This annual plant grows along roads and fences as well as in well-drained, light-soil regions.

Parts Used

Although the bloom is typically used, the entire plant can be used. It can be consumed raw in a salad, dried for use in herbal tea, or used as a bath salt. Its blossoms can be used to press oil.

Medicinal Properties

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antispasmodic
  • Antibacterial
  • Sedative
  • Anti-allergen
  • Immunity enhancer
  • Anti catarrhal
  • Analgesic
  • Digestive
  • Healing
  • Relaxant
  • Antioxidant
  • Antiseptic
  • Anti-aging
  • UV-protective

Therapeutic Properties

  • A strong sedative that calms the body calms the nerves, and promotes sleep is chamomile. Since it doesn't contain any caffeine, chamomile herbal tea should be drunk before night to promote better sleep.
  • These herbs not only treat the ailment but also shield the body from it in the future. It is a highly affected remedy for immune support.
  • It boosts immunity to stave off mild illnesses like the common cold and cough. Additionally, it relieves congestion and treats cold symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat, cough, and congestion.
  • The natural antispasmodic property of chamomile aids in the relief of stomach problems and menstrual cramps. It lessens inflammation and prevents the hormone prostaglandin from being secreted, which causes pain and inflammation.
  • This herb soothes the digestive system, relieves stomachaches, and other digestive issues. It aids in the treatment of motion sickness, anorexia, indigestion, flatulence, nausea, and vomiting.
  • Chamomile has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial characteristics that aid in the healing process as well as antiseptic capabilities that guard against wound infection. Additionally, it can be used to treat psoriasis and eczema. As a result, it aids in the treatment of pinkeye, dermatitis, cold sores, burns, and canker sores.
  • Chamomile can be a miracle remedy for coping with the hectic and stressful lifestyle of today. Due to its sedative and relaxant qualities, this herb can be used as a tea or in other natural preparations on a daily basis to promote calmness and relaxation. It's one of the more recommended Ayurveda herbs for Stress and anxiety.
  • This herb has a high concentration of antioxidants, making it a fantastic remedy for skin issues. It protects against free radicals, clears the skin, and gives the user a healthy shine.
  • Chamomile can be used to treat acne since it has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial qualities. It combats dark spots and gets rid of acne scars.
  • Its abundance of antioxidants, as previously mentioned, makes it a natural anti-aging herb. Chamomile slows down the aging process by scavenging free radicals and preventing oxidative damage to the skin.
  • The anti-allergen characteristics of chamomile can be used to treat a variety of allergies, including hay fever, allergic rhinitis, and similar conditions.
  • This herb's antibacterial properties aid in the treatment and avoidance of numerous bacterial illnesses.
  • Sun damage can result in a variety of skin issues. This herb has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities that start to counteract the negative effects of UV radiation on the skin.
  • Dark circles under the eyes can make a person appear tired and old, but chamomile can help with that too. Dark circles and eye puffiness can be reduced by placing chamomile tea bags or using its paste beneath the eyes.
  • In addition to treating skin conditions, this plant also reduces dandruff and calms the scalp. It encourages healthy scalp and hair.
  • It can be used as a natural treatment for colic, diaper rash, morning sickness, heartburn, and motion sickness.
  • Chamomile can be used to treat gingivitis and other oral cavity inflammations since it has anti-inflammatory and calming qualities. The toothache and painful gums can be relieved by rinsing the mouth with the decoction.

Side-Effects of Chamomile

  • Chamomile allergies can occur in some persons. Therefore, caution must be taken to speak with an Ayurvedic doctor before beginning treatment.
  • Contact allergies may occasionally be observed.
  • It should not be used by those taking blood thinners since it could change how well the drugs work.
  • As chamomile is also a potent sedative, avoid consuming alcohol with it.
  • Any herb should only be used under a doctor's guidance.