Understanding Liver Disease Treatment: From Medication to Diet

Ayurveda considers the liver as one of the vital organs responsible for metabolism. It is called by different names in Sanskrit such as Yakrit, Takima, Kalakhanda, Jyotisthana, Yakritkhanda, Yakritpind and Raktashaya. Yakrit in Ayurveda is said to be a Pitta Shana, where pitta dosharesides. Yakrit is also called the powerhouse or engine of the body, as it is responsible for body metabolism.

The liver is the largest glandular organ located in the right quadrant of the abdomen. It produces bile that is responsible for digesting and absorbing nutrition. It performs a lot of functions that keep our metabolism intact. It functions continuously to clear toxins and keep our body free from unwanted waste and free radicals. Drugs, hormones, alcohol, chemicals, and all body toxins get metabolized in this organ called the liver. Apart from bile production, the liver regulates the amount of fat, sugar, and proteins in the bloodstream. Being the main organ responsible for body metabolism, our liver works day and night to remove toxins and wastes from our system, but when the liver cells are under too much stress due to a large number of toxins, they fail to manage, resulting in slow damage. Liver disease of any kind is a serious concern, and it needs immediate attention by incorporating several liver disease treatments.

Causes of Liver Disease:

  • Unhealthy food habits.
  • Excessive usage of alcohol.
  • Pollution
  • Irrational usage of prescribed medication.
  • Obesity
  • Genetic Disorders
  • Infections
  • Cancer
  • Hereditary

The most common liver diseases are:

  • Fatty liver
  • Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E (jaundice)
  • Alcoholic Liver disease
  • Liver Cirrhosis
  • Hepatomegaly
  • Liver abscess
  • Liver Cancer
  • Cholestatic Liver Diseases
  • Acute Liver Failure

Let us understand about a few liver problems and how Ayurveda can help in their management:

Fatty Liver:

Fat can accumulate under the skin to cause obesity or even inside some organs and one such organ in which fat can accumulate is the liver. Normally some amount of fat is present in the liver always but when the quantity of fat contributes to the increasing weight of the liver by 5 to 10%, then the disease is called fatty liver disease. Excessive consumption of alcohol is one of the major causes. Along with the accumulation of fat, there develops inflammation of hepatic (liver) cells as well and this is known as steato-hepatitis. Fatty liver disease can occur even in those who do not consume alcohol and in such cases, it is termed non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Common symptoms of fatty liver disease are tiredness, weight loss, lethargy, loss of appetite, fatigue, and even nausea. Other symptoms can be associated with pain in the abdomen, enlargement of the liver that is usually noted at the time of palpitation, and even darkness around the neck, underarms, and in the groin region.

Fatty liver can be diagnosed with the help of a blood test that includes liver function test and from an ultrasound scan of the abdomen and also a biopsy of the hepatic cells. Foods to avoid with fatty liver sugar, refined carbs, and unhealthy fats. Limit processed foods, fried items, sugary beverages, and alcohol to promote liver health.

Liver Abscess:

Staphylococcus, streptococcus, and entamoeba hystolytica are the most common bacteria that are responsible for liver abscesses. Liver abscess usually is a result of infection present in other organs, such as cholecystitis (gallbladder inflammation), appendicitis, or may be generalized body infection; these organisms reach the liver through circulation either by portal vein or hepatic artery. The liver injury also may lead to liver abscess. Whatever the cause may be, Liver abscess is always associated with high-grade fever along with chills and swelling.

High-grade fever should never be neglected, especially when it is associated with liver abscess. Pain is noted in the right side of the abdomen just below the ribs and this is noted after 3 days. Along with these symptoms such as loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting may also be present. Pale or yellowish discoloration of the skin may also be present. Ayurveda identifies it as Yakrit Vidraddhi in which pitta dosha imbalance is associated with an imbalance of vata dosha and rakta that is noted in the liver abscess.


Abnormal enlargement of the liver is termed hepatomegaly. Excessive alcohol consumption, viral infection such as hepatitis A, B, or C, side effects of some drugs, malnutrition, and some diseases such as malaria, glandular fever, diabetes, or even leukemia may also cause Hepatomegaly. Fatigue, yellowish discoloration of skin and eyes, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea, swollen abdomen, and most importantly, abdominal pain is a very common symptom of hepatomegaly. Liver enlargement is one of the life-threatening conditions. So it is better to consult an expert and Ayurveda has many treatment options and excellent herbs that can treat this condition more effectively.

Liver cirrhosis:

Liver cirrhosis is one of the complicated degenerative liver diseases that involve long-term damage of liver cells and irreversible scarring of the liver as a result of which deprived liver function is observed. Scarring of the liver inhibits it from infection control, poor metabolism of toxins and other drugs. The liver also fails to produce bile, which is necessary for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and also to absorb fats, including cholesterol.

Generally, these symptoms in liver cirrhosis are not seen in the early stage, as the manifestation of the disease takes months or even a year. In healthy conditions, the liver is able to regenerate most of its damaged cells but in the last stage of cirrhosis, it is no longer able to replace the damaged cells resulting in failure of the liver. According to Ayurveda liver cirrhosis can be interpreted as Yakrit Vriddhi and kumbhakamala. AcharayaCharak mentions that Kumbhakamala is an advanced condition of Kamala or hepatitis.

Ayurvedic Insights into Maintaining Liver Vitality

A few key points to remember to take care of liver health:

Diet: The liver is a residing place for Pitta dosha and hence your diet should always be pitta pacifying as it strengthens the liver, especially in the summer or hotter season. This diet includes the inclusion of madhura (sweet), tikta (bitter), and kashaya (astringent) tastes in the diet and minimizing the usage of lavana (salt), amla (sour), and katu (pungent/spicy) tastes. Foods that are bitter to taste have also cooling and cleaning properties, and hence it also helps in detoxifying the liver. Include fresh vegetables, fruits, and greens so that the liver gets stronger and to avoid more accumulation of toxins irrational usage of alcohol, prescribed drugs and tobacco must be avoided. Extra sugar, oil, red meat, and excess dairy products also must be avoided.

Spices: Include spices like garlic, turmeric, cumin seeds, cinnamon, fennel, and coriander seeds help the liver function better.

Fasting: Fasting with liquids such as fruit juices, lemon juice or just water once in 15 days would help to detoxify or cleanse the liver. This will allow the liver to function better. Start the day of fasting with a glass full of warm water, followed by drinking of juices or more water throughout the day. Buttermilk, carrot juice, beetroot juice, wheatgrass juice, grape juice, orange juice, and even lemon juice are very helpful and liver-stimulating juices.

A few asanas that are helpful in activating the liver to function better :

  • Padahastasana (Forward bend pose)
  • Naukasana (Boat Post)
  • Marjarasana (Tiger Pose),
  • Setubandhasana (Bridge Pose)
  • Adhomukha swana asana (down-facing dog pose)
  • Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)
  • Ardha matsendriasana (Seated half spinal twist pose)
  • Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
  • Gomukhasana (cow-face pose)
  • Vakrasana (seated twisted pose).

Here are some of the herbs that are prescribed in Ayurveda for liver diseases:

  • Katuki (Picrorhizakurrooa)
  • Bhringraja (Ecliptaabla)
  • Bhumyamalaki (Phyllanthusniruri)
  • Kakamachi (SolanumNigrum)
  • Rohitaka (Tecomaundulata)
  • Aragwadha (Cassia fistula)
  • Punarnava(Boerrhaviadiffusa)
  • Kiratatikta (Swertiachirata)
  • Bhoonimba (Andrographispaniculata),
  • Daruharidra (Berberisaristata)

Ayurveda treatment management, such as Panchakarma treatment, is also very helpful in improving liver health.


Liver disease treatment includes prescribed drugs, changes in behavior, and diet. Ayurveda has medicines based on herbs, some types of detoxification known as Panchakarma, and certain asanas for the preservation of the liver. This tender liver disease care can significantly control ailments such as fatty liver, cirrhosis, and hepatitis and enhance health.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s):

1.What is fatty liver disease and what are its symptoms?

Steatosis is the medical term for the accumulation of fat in the liver. This may cause chemical change or inflammation and damage of the affected tissue or region. Misfortune detects include fatigue, low weight, weak muscles, reduced appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain, liver enlargement, and gray skin colorations on the neck, armpits, and groin tracts.

2.What causes liver abscesses?

Liver abscesses are normally produced by Staphylococci, Streptococci, and Entamoeba histolytica bacteria. Such infections often involve other organs of the body, such as the gallbladder or appendix, and then spread to the liver via the blood stream.

3.What are the dietary recommendations for liver health?

Therefore, include sweet, bitter, and astringent foods in the liver-healthy diet and avoid salty, sour, and spicy foods. Include such foods as fresh vegetables, fruits, and green leaves. Reduce processed foods and their consumption, fried products, foods containing sugars and unhealthy fats, sweet beverages, alcohol consumption, red meat, and excessive dairy products.

4.What are the common types of liver disease?

Fatty liver can be seen as a leading type of liver issue also referred to as steatosis, hepatitis including A, B, C, D, and E, alcoholic liver disease, cirrhosis of the liver, hepatomegaly, liver abscess, liver cancer, cholestasis, and acute liver failure.

5.What is liver cirrhosis?

Liver cirrhosis falls under chronic hepatic disorder, whereby liver function is successfully damaged with a scarring process extending continually for several years. This scarring will affect the incorporation of infection control, metabolism of toxic substances, and bile production essential in the digestion of fats and vitamins.

AyurvedaAyurvedic careAyurvedictreatmentLiver disease

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