Vidanga (Embelia Ribes)

The woody creeper shrub Embelia ribes has a flexible yet brittle stem. This plant, also known as vai vidanga, has terete branches and is used medicinally. The leaves are oblong, simple, alternating, and pointy on both ends. The leaves measure 3 inches in length and 1.5 inches in width. Little white flowers with three to four inch long petioles are present. Similar to black pepper, fruits are tiny and range in color from reddish brown to black. It is also known to be false black pepper due to its appearance and characteristics. You find fruits in bunches. Fruits have a delicate outer layer, and inside are speckled seeds. This medicinal herb's roots have a brownish-grey color.

General Information

This herb is well known in Ayurveda as white-flowered embelia or counterfeit pepper seeds. This adaptable herb is used to treat a range of illnesses, but its primary usage is in the treatment of worm infestation. Its fruit is described by Achraya sushrut as a tonic to strengthen and anti-helminthic. It gives the body energy, as do the roots of mulethi. Vidanga is utilized to remove excess vata dosha from the gut. It is used to increase rasdhatva agni, which speeds up the metabolism and helps in the body's removal of excess fat. In Ayurveda, vidanga is utilized as a tonic and energy enhancer. The herb vidanga, often known as false black pepper, has dry seeds that resemble pepper seeds. The optimal time to use vidanga seeds is after a year of storage.

This herb was characterized by Rajnighantu as having light qualities, a pungent taste, and fiery strength. It is employed to create vata and kapha balance. Vidanga works well for digestive burning and anorexia.

Among the main chemical components found in this herb are vilangine, christembine, quercitol, homoembelin, and embleline.


The herb grows up to a height of 1500 meters. The hilly regions of India, including the lower and middle Himalayas, the Konkan, the Deccan, the Western Ghats, and South India, are home to Embelia ribes. Additionally, China, Bhutan, Nepal, and Pakistan distribute it. The states of Assam, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala are where embelia is primarily found in India.


  • Kingdom - Plantae
  • Family - Primulaceae
  • Order - Ericales


  • English name - White-flowered embelia,  Embelia fruit, False black pepper, 
  • Hindi name - Vaividang, Baibidang
  • Telugu name - Vidangamu, Vayu vidangalu
  • Bengali name - Bidang, Biranga, Vidang
  • Marathi name - Ambti, Karkunnie, Bavidang
  • Punjabi name - Bavidang
  • Gujarati name - Bavadan
  • Tamil name - Vayu vidanga, Vellal, Vilanga
  • Kannada name - Vayi vulanga, Vayu vilanga
  • Malayalam name - Vijhala
  • Oriya name - Vidanga

Ayurvedic Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)

Kashaya, Katu

Astringent, Pungent

Guna (Physical Property)

Laghu, Tikshana, Ruksha

Light, Sharp, Dry

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Effects on Doshas

Its hot potency balances the doshas of vata and kapha.

Charak Samhita

Sushrut Samhita


  • Krimighna - Herb used to treat worm infestation.
  • Kushthghna - Herb used to treat skin disorders.
  • Truptighna - Herb used in relieving satiation
  • Sursadi gana,
  • Pipalyadi gana
  • Pippalyadi gana,
  • Sursadi gana

Practical Uses

  • The finest herb to treat worm infestations, including roundworm, threadworm, and tapeworm infestations, is vidanga. It is used to eradicate all varieties of fungi, viruses, and bacteria. For newborns suffering from worm infestation, this plant is also highly beneficial.
  • This is a revitalizing plant that gives the body energy and good health.
  • In addition, it has blood-cleansing properties and is utilized to remove excess toxins from human plasma and the lymphatic system.
  • For those with piles and other ano-rectal issues, Vidanga powder is used. It is also helpful in the treatment of benign cancers and obesity.
  • The neural system of humans benefits from this herb. Because it is used to treat a variety of neurological system problems, including paralysis and epilepsy.
  • It is also advised for a number of dental diseases.
  • Vidanga powder, Fine powder is applied topically to lessen severe nasal discomfort.
  • In addition to treating nausea, vomiting, flatulence, and abdominal pain, videnga enhances digestive fire. Constipation is treated with this plant due to its laxative properties.
  • This plant can be used to treat a variety of skin conditions due to its antifungal and antibacterial qualities. To treat eczema and other skin conditions, as well as skin tone and pigmentation, use fresh leaves or leaf paste.
  • The plant is used to treat fever as well as underlying symptoms such as exhaustion and widespread weakness.
  • Vidanga is utilized to lose weight and is regarded as a fat burner. It eliminates every fat toxin that is floating around in the lymphatic and plasma systems.
  • It is applied to treating poisoning caused by snake bites.
  • Vidanga is a very successful treatment for tuberculosis patients as well as for chronic cough.
  • This herb's astringent leaves are used to treat mouth ulcers and sore throats.
  • This herb efficiently treats diabetes and also acts on medha dhatu.
  • It balances the vata and kapha doshas.

Part Used

  • Fruits
  • Roots


  • Powder - 3-5gms
  • Decoction - 3-15ml


  • Pregnancy
  • Pitta aggravation