Vasa (Godsend Herb)

Other well-known names for this family of plants are Adusa, Arusha, Rus, and Bansa. Vasa is Adhatoda Vasica. This powerful herb from Ayurveda aids in the eradication of respiratory conditions. Vasa, often referred to as Malabar Nut is a common herbaceous medicinal plant that is one of the most important herbs for treating respiratory tract conditions. India is home to an abundance of this herb. Vasa is highly helpful in treating various ailments, including vaman (emetic problems), raktapitta (bleeding disorders), jwara (fever), shwasa (asthma), kasa (cough), kushtha (skin disorders), and kamla (jaundice). We will talk about and learn about the qualities of the vasa plant as well as various ayurvedic formulations made with it in this article.


Vasa is a cooling herb with strong antibacterial characteristics that help in the alleviation of respiratory tract illnesses. The plant's main ingredient is vasicine, which is also rich in other phytoconstituents including adhatodine and anisoline that support the herb's anti-allergic qualities. Vasa is really helpful and has several qualities, including expectorant, bronchodilation, hypoglycemic situations, and anti-inflammatory or antibacterial qualities. This herb works well for ulcerations, edematous swellings, and a host of other allergens.

Vernacular Names Of Vasa

  • Vasa, Vasaka, also known as Vasasayati Acchadayati, is a thick-textured herb that has the ability to spread out and encompass a large region.
  • Vajidant - The flowers are as white as a horse's teeth.
  • Atarush - This helps to slow the spread of disease..
  • Simhasya, Simhi - Flowers that resemble a lion's mouth.
  • Bhishagmata - The mother of all medications.
  • Vrisha (Varshati madhu) - Beautiful flowers enhanced with delicious juice.

Morphological Description

  • This shrub has lance-shaped leaves that are 8 to 10 centimeters in length, oppositely oriented, smooth, or with short petioles. The trunk has numerous long, oppositely climbing branches, and the bark is colored yellow.
  • Typically white in hue, flowers are big, dense, and covered in spikes that resemble a lion's mouth.
  • Pubescent fruits are grown between the club-shaped capsules.
  • The primary constituents of this herb's chemical composition are the Vasicine and Quinazoline alkaloids, along with several phytochemicals such as tannins, saponins, and flavonoids.

Therapeutic Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)

Kashaya, Tikta

Astringent, Bitter

Guna (Physical Property)

Laghu, Ruksha 

Light, Dry

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Effect on Dosha 

This herb has an astringent flavor and is light, rough, and bitter, which helps to balance the Pitta and Kapha doshas.

  • In the form of paste (Lepa), leaves are applied to the affected area to treat inflammatory problems, painful disorders, infected wounds, and many other skin illnesses. Patra-potli pinda sweda, for example, has a considerable effect on kapha-pittaja conditions.
  • When the pranada nadi is activated, it has amazing consequences.
  • contains excellent anticoagulant qualities, controls blood pressure, purifies blood, and has amazing effects on cardiac problems.
  • This plant is well known for its ability to dissolve and expel the kapha dosha from the body, which helps with respiratory tract diseases. 

Therapeutic Uses

  1. When it comes to vitiated kapha-pitta dosha, this plant works wonders.
  2. In addition, this herb can be applied topically as a paste called Kalka, to treat ailments such as skin allergies, inflammatory diseases, painful spots, and arthritis.
  3. The siddha taila prescribes the massage (Abhyang) to be followed in vataj rogas or psychotic diseases, and it works wonders.
  4. When it comes to dysentery or other bleeding diseases, its retention properties work wonders.
  5. This herb's decoction works wonders for worm symptoms.
  6. relieves tension and aids in mental calmness.
  7. When tuberculosis is still in its early stages, this herb (kshaya rogas) can be given.
  8. Additionally, because of its pitta-balancing qualities, which have a good impact on liver enzymes, it is highly beneficial for gallbladder and liver diseases.

This herb is said to have antiasthmatic and antitussive properties, and tonic properties, and to be particularly helpful for skin issues in Ayurveda.

This plant is so effective in treating respiratory conditions that it is given in many allopathic pharmaceutical formulations along with bromhexine and vasaka. It is also promoted with a tagline that specifically mentions its common name, Vasa.

Various Health Benefits of Vasa

  1. Respiratory Disorders - This plant is particularly beneficial in shwasa and kasa situations according to Ayurveda scriptures. It improves respiratory illnesses by assisting in the liquidation of phlegm that has been trapped in the airways, bronchodilation, and relaxation of bronchioles.
  2. Bleeding Disorders - Vasa works well for bleeding problems, hemorrhagic piles, stomach ulcers, bleeding gums, and epistaxis. Swaras are mostly advised in these circumstances to halt the bleeding. Moreover, this herb works wonders for raising platelet counts.
  3. Sinusitis - When the sinus mucosa becomes inflamed, an abundance of mucus fills the sinuses and obstructs the airways, causing sinusitis. Vasa helps to heal the sickness and reduce this condition by reducing nasal stuffiness.
  4. In Gastric Ulcers - To treat ulcers, vasa is used with shatavari and yashtimadhu.

Part used

Leaf, roots, flowers, or whole plant


The vata herb has many health benefits. The entire plant has medical uses; because of its all-purpose, all-encompassing qualities, it is also known as a versatile herb. Even though this herb has many beneficial therapeutic qualities, improper use might have negative effects. To receive the excellent results of this herb in a continuous state, speak with a reputable Ayurvedic practitioner.