Ayurveda is a complementary and alternative therapy that helps those in need heal from illnesses. When combined with a healthy diet and practice, herbs work synergistically to assist the body and doshas return to balance. The mustard seed known as "Rajeeka," or "raai" in Hindi, is frequently used in cooking. This is utilized primarily as a culinary ingredient valued for its aroma and diuretic effects on human systems. Its seeds add flavor to a variety of foods, such as sambar powder, masala powder, and many flavored cuisines. Brassica juncea, or Rajeeka, is a member of the Brassicaceae family. This balances the doshas of Vata and Kapha because of its strong, bitter flavor and strong potency. It helps with several illnesses, including worms, wounds, anorexia, abdominal pain, and spleen disorders. Its oil is useful for boosting digestive fire and is utilized in cooking.
Special Note About Rajeeka
- Rajeeka is beneficial for reducing Kapha-Vata.
- Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, and Bengal are frequent places to get this herb.
- This herb is used as a folk treatment for worm infestations, pruritis, arthritis, paralysis, and any kind of inflammatory condition. It also improves digestion.
- Indian mustard has ample iron and is high in vitamins A and C.
- This herb's qualities and symptoms are recorded in the textbooks of Acharya Charak and Acharya Sushrut.
Systemic Classification
- Botanical Name - Brassica juncea
- Family - Brassicaceae
- Genus - Brassica
- Species - B. juncea
- Rajeeka, Aasuri - because of its sharp impact.
- Teekshna gandha - because of its strong smell.
- Kshujjanika - This strengthens the fire of digestion.
Other Vernacular Names
- Hindi Name - Raai
- Bengali Name - Rai sarisha
- Punjabi Name - ohar
- Gujarati Name - Rai
- Malayalam Name - Mohari
- Tamil Name - kaddugu
- Telugu Name - Avlu
- Farsi Name - Sipandaan
- English Name - Indian Mustard
This perennial herb has huge branches and can reach a length of 0.6 to 1 meter.
- Branches - are long, patent, or erect.
- Leaves - are coarsely dentate, lanceolate, and dark greenish in color. are broadly ovate or may be obovate.
- Flowers - in corymbose racemes, are stalked and bright yellow in color.
- Seeds - small and brownish-red in color.
Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, and Bengal are frequent places to get this herb.
Ayurvedic Properties
Hindi / Sanskrit |
English |
Rasa (Taste) |
Katu |
Pungent |
Guna (Physical Property) |
Teeshana |
Sharp |
Virya (Potency) |
Ushna |
Hot |
Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste) |
Katu |
Pungent |
Effects On Doshas
- This helps to reduce the vata dosha because of its Ushna gunna.
- The Kapha dosha is calmed by its katu-tikta rasa, lightness, and Teekshana.
Practical Uses
- It can benefit our body by curing ailments associated with Kapha-Vataj.
- Its seeds are frequently applied as a paste to treat inflammations.
- Its oil has analgesic properties and is used to soothe rashes, itching, and worm infestations.
- Since it is frequently used in kitchens for cooking, it improves digestive fire and lessens symptoms of indigestion and bloating.
- Applying oil externally helps alleviate sheet pradhan Vataj ailments such as lower back discomfort, paralysis, and abdominal pain.
- It functions as a cardiac tonic and protects the heart.
- It provides the body with nourishment and aids in muscular building.
- It can be used as a gargle or as a help to a regular rinse for any tooth pain or throat infection.
- It reduces skin issues by raising sweating and perspiration levels.
- Mustard greens' soft, young leaves can be added to other salad greens or used separately in salads.
Part used
Seeds and oil are used
- One to three grams of the seed powder can be utilized.
However, in larger doses, it can result in burning, dehydration, and a host of other pitta-aggravating symptoms.
One can use pitta shamak dravya, which has qualities similar to those of Madhur and Sangadh, to cure those symptoms.