Pomegranate (Punica Granatum)

It is a small, extremely long-lived tree or shrub that can reach a height of 6 to 10 meters and has many prickly branches. The slender, oblong leaves are 2 cm broad, 3-7 cm long, and opposed or sub-opposite. This tree produces 3 cm diameter, 3–7 petal bright red blooms. This tree produces berries that are both edible and delectable. They are sized halfway between grapefruits and lemons. The fruit has a thick, crimson covering and a spherical form. Each fruit has a varied number of seeds, which are encased in a watery pulp seed coat that ranges in color from white to deep red or purple. Every seed is enclosed in a white, astringent membrane that is spongy.

General Information

The fruit pomegranate has a lot of nutritional value. It is widely used as a herbal treatment for anemia. However, it offers a host of other comparable health advantages that are less well-known but just as potent.

This plant's entire body, including the fruit, fruit rind, root, bark, and other portions, is used for medicinal purposes. Punica Granatum is the fruit's Latin name, and it is a member of the Punicaceae family.

It is excellent for the heart and rich in minerals and several vitamins, including vitamin B complex. Because of their wonderful flavor, pomegranate juice and seed powder are often used to make a variety of dishes and desserts. Juicy seeds positioned like fangs inside the fruit body are present in the beautiful red fruits. The seeds can be consumed in a variety of ways and are edible.

Sweet fruits work wonders to correct the body's dosha imbalance. It is also beneficial for reducing internal body heat and excessive thirst. Pomegranate juice is an excellent natural cleanser that the body can absorb and digest with ease. It supports a healthy immune system and is excellent for the heart.


It is a deciduous shrub or tree of the Punicacea family that bears fruit. Its main draw is its bright red fruits and blooms, which also draw a lot of insects and birds. It has long been grown over the majority of the Mediterranean region and modern-day Iran. Aside from its presence in Southeast Asia, America, South Africa, and Spain, pomegranate trees are fairly abundant in India.


  • Kingdom - Plantae
  • Order - Myrtales
  • Family - Punicaeae


  • English Name - Pomegranate
  • Botanical Name - Punica granatum
  • Hindi Name - Anaar
  • Sanskrit Name - Raktabeeja, Raktapushpa, Dantabeeja, Phalamla, Kuchaphala, Shukavallabha, etc.
  • Malayalam Name - Matalam
  • Tamil Name - Matuli
  • Marathi Name - Dalimb

Ayurvedic Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)

Madhur, Kashaya, Amla 

Sweet, Astringent, Sour

Guna (Physical Property)

Snigadh, Laghu

Unctuous, Light

Virya (Potency)


Neither Hot nor Cold 

Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)

Madhura, Amla

Sweet, Sour

Effects on Doshas

  • Sweet pomegranates balance the vata, pitta, and kapha doshas.
  • Pitha is increased and vata and kapha are balanced by sour pomegranate.

Charak Samhita


  • Hridya - herbs that are heart-healthy.
  • Balya - herbs that are beneficial to physical strength.
  • Hridya
  • Practical uses

    • Pomegranate juice is quite beneficial for those with anemia, particularly those with iron deficiency. It is a rich supply of iron that, should one become deficient, can be promptly restored.
    • In Indian cooking, pomegranate fruit powder is also frequently used as a spice and curry-souring agent. When added, it gives the meal a delightful flavor and aids with digestion.
    • Due to their cooling properties, pomegranates are particularly beneficial for those with stomach ulcers of any kind. Pomegranates can help soothe the burning and inflammation in ulcerations, whether they are caused by Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, or stomach or duodenal ulcers. This will speed up healing and stop internal bleeding from these wounds.
    • In this way, it can function as a highly nutritious juice choice for those individuals whose health requires them to follow a very rigorous diet regimen.
    • Pomegranate rind juice, made by boiling the fruit rind in water and simmering it before consuming, can be administered to individuals experiencing internal bleeding for any cause. In cases of hemorrhoids and ulcerative colitis, when internal bleeding from feces is a typical occurrence, it works amazingly well to reduce bleeding.
    • This fruit's drawback is that it might cause constipation. For the same reason, people experiencing diarrhea and loose motions for any reason are frequently prescribed it.
    • People frequently utilize pomegranate plant components in Ayurvedic medicines to get the remarkable health advantages of punica.
    • Punica is a traditional herb used to cure a variety of conditions, including osteoarthritis, skin, digestive, and urinary tract infections as well as sore throats and coughs.
    • Patients with rheumatoid arthritis who have an excess of vata and kapha in their bodies and a repressed pitta may benefit from eating pomegranate sour fruit. The patient experiences significant alleviation from sour pomegranate's ability to restore balance to these bio characteristics.


    • Rind Juice: 20 – 30 ml 2 to 3 times a day.
    • Fruit powder: 1 -3 g.
    • Fruit juice: is enjoyable every day.

    Part used

    • Fruits
    • Seeds