Pippali, Long pepper (Piper longum)

The long pepper is a fragrant, slender climber with meaty fruits contained in the spikes and creeping, jointed stems. The color of the leaves is a deep green. This shrub produces monoecious flowers. On distinct plants, male and female flowers are produced.

Oval or heart-shaped, the leaves are pale green underneath and dark green above. They have a length of two to three inches. It blooms throughout the rainy season on this plant. On distinct plants, male and female flowers are produced. This plant produces oval-shaped, one-inch-diameter drupes that are orange and yellowish in hue. The drupes grow in the early winter. Once ripened, spikes take on a scarlet hue. The roots have longitudinal wrinkles and a grayish-brown hue. They are woody perennial roots.

General Description

The allusion to long pepper comes from the old Ayurvedic literature. Long pepper is used for a variety of culinary and medicinal purposes, as indicated by Ayurveda. In essence, it supports a healthy respiratory system. Additionally helpful for a healthy metabolism and digestive system are long peppers.

Pippali is a helpful herb for lung disorders caused by colds and mucus because it promotes lung circulation and vasodilatation. It has expectorant, decongestant, and bronchodilator properties. Pippali is an effective lung rejuvenator. This herb is advised if you are prone to colds since it will ward against colds.

It is composed of the following chemicals: piperlongumine, pellitorine, pipercide, piperundecalidine, piperine, octadecadie, guineensine, long amide, piperlongine, piplartine, pipernoline, and essential oils.


  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Division: Magnoliophyta
  • Class: Magnolipsida
  • Order: Piperales
  • Family: Piperaceae
  • Genus: Piper
  • Species: Longum


The herb piper longum grows in the hotter regions of India, including the middle Himalayas, Assam, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Khasi and Mikir hills, and Assam. also found in Western Ghats forests extending from Kerala to the Konkan. Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, and other Southeast Asian nations are included in the list of nations other than India.


  • English Name: Indian Long Pepper
  • Hindi Name: Pipli, Lendi Peepar, Pippali, Pipal
  • Sanskrit Name: Kapala, Katikasira, Chanchala, Chupula, Dantakapha, Krikala, Krishnapippali, Krsnatandula, Magadha, Magadhi, Magadhika, Magadhodbhava, Pippali, Gonamika,Granthika, Granthikam, Kagophale, Kanamula, Katubija, Katugranthikam, Kolamula, Kolya, Korangi
  • Asamiya Name: Pipoli
  • Bengali Name: Ralli, Pipul, Peepul, Piplamor, Pipal
  • Gujarati Name: Pipli
  • Kannada Name: Hipli, Yippali, Kuna Balli, Hippali Balli, Thippali Balli, Tip, Hippali, Hippaliballi, Kuna, Tippali, 
  • Marathi Name: Pimpalee, Pipli, Pimpli, Piplee, 
  • Malayalam Name: Pippali, Amgadhi, Tippali, 
  • Oriya Name: Videhee
  • Tamil Name: Argadi, Kattuttippilikkodi, Kindigam, Kirandigam, Kolagam, Pippi, Atti, Kalidi, Kalini, Kaman, Kanna
  • Telugu Name: Modi, Pippallu, Pippuloo, Pippali Katte, Peppelu Pippallu, Pipili, Pippali, Pippali-Katte 

Ayurvedic Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)



Guna (Physical Property)

Laghu, Tikshna

Light, Piercing

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Effects on Doshas

It balances Kapha and Vata Dosha.

Practical Uses

The herb peppermint has a wide range of therapeutic uses, including antibacterial, diuretic, anthelmintic, analgesic, carminative, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory,  laxative, emmenagogue, expectorant, and thermogenic effects.

  • Pippali is a helpful herbal asthma medication.
  • It can even be used as a hair tonic and promote hair growth.
  • It has been discovered that the herb helps with stomach pain, gastrointestinal issues, diarrhea, and indigestion.
  • This herb is fantastic for treating Beriberi brought on by a B1 shortage.
  • Additionally, long pepper helps to avoid strokes.
  • It works well if your spleen is enlarged.
  • Pippali is another potent prolonger of life.
  • This herb aids in the body's removal of waste products and the transportation of nutrients.
  • It is beneficial for improving food digestion, absorption, and metabolism.
  • soothes anxiety and improves the quality of sleep at night.
  • used to treat worm infestations and persistent dysentery.
  • It is effective in treating throat infections.
  • Long pepper can help with hiccups.
  • An excellent herbal medicine for irregular fever, piles, and anemia.
  • It promotes blood circulation and strengthens the immune system.
  • It helps with nausea and congestion.
  • A good detoxifier for the lungs, kidneys, and lymph glands.
  • It is utilized as a tonic for the brain.

Part Used

Moola (Root) and Fruits


A single or several daily dosages of powder (0.5–1 gram), usually given after meals.


  • Infants should ideally not be exposed to it.
  • Lower doses can be administered to nursing mothers.
  • Use during pregnancy only with medical advice.