Patha, Abuta (Cissampelos Pareira)

Patha is a scrambling shrub with hairy branches. This herb's leaves are peltate and about 12cm long. This plant's yellow blossoms are very small. Four hairy, obovate, and oblong sepals make up the flower. Male flower peduncles are 18mm long and grouped in axillary cymes. This herb's female blooms are solitary or twin, elongate, and axillary racemes. The filaments are longer than the corolla. The fruits are drupes that are 6mm long and 4mm wide. Fresh fruits are compressed, hairy-pubescent, subglobose, crimson, transversely ridged, endocarp, and black when ripe. The fruit has seeds in the shape of a horseshoe.

General Description

Patha is also known as ice vine, false pareira, and velvet leaf. This plant can be found in orchards, parks, and gardens. This herb is utilized in Ayurvedic medicine for its antispasmodic properties. This herb was utilized by Achayra shushrut to cleanse and treat wounds and ulcers. Acharya Charka used this herb to treat a variety of female reproductive system disorders. This herb is known as "bhagna sandhankrit" and is utilized in fracture repair, according to Rajnighantu. Patha is a slender, tropical woody herb that looks like a ruffled ribbon. This herb has a mild scent. This herb is used to treat edema, cystitis, fever, and renal inflammation. It is an extremely potent herb used to regulate hormonal imbalances. This plant is extremely beneficial for female-related diseases such as menstruation cramps, uterine hemorrhages, and postnatal and prenatal pain. It is also employed in the prevention of miscarriage. It is also known as midwife herb because it is used to stimulate labor. It is an excellent antiseptic for chronic bladder inflammation and is also used as a diuretic. This herb is also used as a tincture and in the preparation of medicinal tea.

There are two types of Patha (as per the ayurveda)

  1. Raja patha
  2. Laghu patha

Berberine is the main alkaloid compound found in this herb, and it has hypotensive, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties. Hayatin, hayatinin, cissamine, cycleanine menismine, methalonic acid, bebeerine, hayatidin, and quercitol are some of the other chemical compounds found in this herb.


Cissampelos pareira is primarily found in India, although it is also found in Asia, East Africa, and America. This herb is widely available in India's tropical and subtropical regions. It's common in Himachal Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Nagpur, Bihar, West Bengal, Punjab, and Rajasthan. It can be found in the Aravalli hills of Marathwada, Konkan, and Bababuden hills of Mysore in the east.


  • Hindi name - Padhi, Padha
  • English name - Velvet leaf, Ice vine, Abuta
  • Kannada name - Padavali
  • Telugu name - Chiruboddi
  • Tamil name - Vatta tiruppi
  • Oriya name - Kanabihndi
  • Malayalam - Patathali, Kattuvalli
  • Gujarati name - Venivel
  • Bengali name - Akanadi
  • Marathi name - Padavela
  • Nepali name - Butul poti
  • African name - Kinukadjio
  • Mexican name - Oreja de raton
  • French name - Faux pariera brava
  • Portuguese name - Abutua, Pareira brava
  • Spanish name - Butua, Pareira brave
  • Brazil name - Abutua
  • Peru name - Burbasco, Sanago, Abuta


  • Kingdom - Plantae
  • Order - Ranales
  • Family - Menispermeacae

Ayurvedic Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)



Guna (Physical Property)

Laghu, Tikshana

Light, Sharp

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Effects on Doshas

It balances Vata and Kapha dosha.

Charak Samhita

Sushrut Samhita

  • Sandhaniya - Herbs with a natural connection.
  • Jwarhara - Herbs that can help with fever.
  • Stanyashodhana- Herbs that are beneficial to breast milk cleaning.
  • Mustadi gana, Bhrityadi, Patoladi, Argavadhadi, Pipalyadi, Ambhastadi.

Practical uses

  • Patha is a powerful antidote and wound healer. It works well in kushtha roga. Because of these qualities, external pastes of leaves and roots are used to treat a variety of skin conditions, impurities, and snake bite poisoning.
  • Nasya makes use of root juice and powder.
  • Patha is a powerful appetizer that is used to treat anorexia, indigestion, and abdominal pain. It is used to activate the digestive fire and to treat diarrhea and dysentery.
  • It has a strong expectorant effect. It is used to treat cough and dyspnea since it is expectorant.
  • It contains anti-inflammatory qualities and is used to purify the blood. It is quite useful for heart and blood-related problems.
  • To reduce inflammation, a paste of roots and leaves is utilized.
  • It is beneficial to the female reproductive system and is used to purify breast milk secretion as well as numerous other breast-related problems.
  • It is highly helpful in dysuria and haematuria since it is a diuretic.
  • It is also quite useful in treating a variety of skin diseases.
  • Patha is also used to treat fever, burning sensations, and diarrhea caused by fever.
  • Poisoning and dog bites are also treated with this herb.
  • It is a very effective herb for vaginal discharge and is beneficial to the general health of a woman's reproductive system.
  • Methalonic, a chemical molecule derived from leaf extract, is utilized as an anti-fertility drug because it changes gonadotropin and estradiol output.
  • This herb has antihelminthic properties and is used to treat worm infestations.
  • Poultice made from leaves works wonders for treating wounds, scabies, abscesses, itching, and acne.

Part used

  • Roots
  • Leaves


  • Powder:- 1-3gms
  • Decoction:- 15-60ml