Parpata (Fumaria Parviflora)

In Ayurveda, the effects of around fifteen thousand different therapeutic herbs have been recognized and documented. All herbs are categorized and organized under many headings in Ayurvedic scriptures. Certain people have categorized herbs according to their mode of action, while others have done so based on their physical characteristics. The herb known as Parpata (Fumaria parviflora) will be discussed in this article.


This herb is used in Ayurveda medicine; it is known by the Latin name Fumaria parviflora and the Sanskrit name parpat. It is a member of the fumariaceae family and is known by the English name Acharya Charak. Trishna Nigrahan Gan mentions parpat, indicating that it is categorized as a thirst-quenching herb.


This is a kind of weed that grows in neighboring nations and all over India. primarily found in Nilgiri, the Himalayan foothills, and the Ganges river watershed.

Different Names Parpata 

  • English Name - Indian fumitory
  • Arab Name  - Sahtaraj
  • Tamil Name - Tura
  • Punjabi Name  - Shahtara
  • Hindi Name  - Pitta papada


  • It is an upright, straight plant with herbaceous branches that grows to a height of 7-8 cm.
  • Its stem is rigid, light, twisted, and brownish.
  • Each leaf is 1–8 cm long.
  • The lamina contour is ovate and orbicular, with dimensions of 1.5-5 ×1-4 cm. The leaves are complex and pinnately arranged.
  • The leaves are arranged in a racemose pattern.
  • Its 5–22 blooms have peduncles that range in length from 0.2–1.7 cm.
  • It features downward-curving blooms in a light pink tint.

Histology Of Parpata

  • The epidermis surrounds five to six layers of cortex, while the root has a single layer of epidermis. Moreover, 1-2 layers of parenchymatous cells with thin walls and a rectangular shape are present.
  • The large xylem in the central core of the roots and stem contains regular elements, while the narrow phloem consists of regular elements.
  • The shape of the stem is pentagonal, with noticeable angles made up of collenchymatous cells.
  • There are five vascular bundles in a ring configuration.

Cultivation Of Parpata

  • Farmlands in warm, sunny climates are ideal for parpata cultivation.
  • Loamy, well-drained, loose soil is ideal for its growth.
  • The ideal pH range for growing it is 6.5 to 7.5.
  • Colder climates are ideal for its growth; nonetheless, it cannot tolerate temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius.
  • It grows easily in places with irrigation systems but low rainfall.

Chemical Composition

  • Pentatriacontane alkali (0.5%)
  • Lahoramine
  • Fumaric acid
  • Fumarine
  • Tannins
  • Furmaramine
  • Furmaramidine

Medicinal Properties

  • It has light quality (laghu guna)
  • It has a bitter (tikta) taste
  • After the process of digestion, it has a strong taste transformation.
  • It has a cold (sheeta) potency
  • It can somewhat increase vata while balancing the kapha and pitta doshas.
  • It balances kapha because it has more tikta dosha, and it balances pitta dosha because of sheeta and tikta ras.
  • This herb relieves thirst.
  • Digestive
  • It has anthelmintic properties.
  • Encourages the liver and aids in its healthy operation.
  • It can be used to treat alcoholism, syncope, vertigo, etc.
  • Applied to anorexia
  • disturbed stomach
  • Jaundice
  • It can cure gout and raktapitta.
  • It helps with dysuria.
  • Helpful for skin conditions

Parts Used

The entire plant has therapeutic uses.


  • Churna - 2-5 gm
  • Decoction - Split dosage of 50–90 ml per day
  • Paste - 1-3 gm

Home Remedies

  • When taken in decoction form, it can be used to cure vomiting.
  • Crushed parpata decoction can be applied to fever
  • Honey along with parpata juice can be utilized for intrinsic bleeding.
  • Parpata juice and ghee can be combined and administered topically to cure erysipelas.
  • Ghee combined with parpata juice can be used to wash bleeding piles.
  • When one is extremely thirsty, one frequently drinks water laced with parpata.
  • Ulcers and sores can be healed by using parpata juice that has been treated with oil.


Ayurvedic parpata is a herb that belongs to the category of thirst-quenching herbs (trishna nigrahan). It belongs to the Fumariaceae family. It can be used for a wide range of purposes, including treating vomiting and skin conditions. Fresh parpata is useful in numerous home treatments. There are also drugs with parpata in them that can be taken in conjunction with herbs to lessen the levels of pitta and kapha dosha in the body, enhancing the effects of the herb.