Nagabala, Snake Mallow (Sida Veronicaefolia)

Nagabala (Sida Veronicaefolia) is a hairy plant with coarsely gray and brown hairy branches. The leaves are cordate, oval, and sparingly hispid, measuring 6-14 cm long and 2-3.5 cm wide. Flowers can be axillary, single, in pairs, or in tiny cymes. When completely grown, the flower's color changes from white to yellow and brown. The fruits are tiny and yellow in color. The seeds are brown in color. Herbs produce fruits and flowers all year long.

This name is mostly associated with two plants:-

  1. Nagabala - Sida veronicaefolia
  2. Gangeruki - Grewia hirsuta

Gangeruki and Guda sarkara are perhaps two Grewia species, Grewia populifolia and Grewia hirsuta. As a result, Nagabala can be classified as Sida veronicaefolia.

General Description

This herb is known as a nervine tonic and has a variety of other health advantages. It is both an aphrodisiac and an anti-aging plant. Demulcent, anti-acidic, expectorant, antipyretic, diuretic, aphrodisiac, carminative, and cardiac qualities abound in Naga Bala. It is used to treat bleeding disorders as well as dysuria. It is both an aphrodisiac and an anti-aging plant. This plant is very effective in treating bleeding disorders and dysuria. These biochemical compounds found in nagabala include β- Phenenthylamines, quinazoline, gossypol, sterculic acid, and linoleic acid, all of which have various health benefits for humans.


  • Kingdom - Plantae
  • Order - Malvales
  • Family - Malvaceae
  • Sub family - Grewioideae
  • Genus - Grewia
  • Speices - Hirsuta


This plant can be found in East Asian countries such as India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar, and Vietnam. It is grown in hotter areas of India. It is native to tropical places, but it can also be found in stony and hilly areas. However, it is abundant in Bihar, Vindhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Konkan.


  • Latin name: Sida Veronicaefolia
  • Sanskrit name: Ganngeruki, Khargandhinika, Arista.Kala, Sita bala, Udanika. Mahasamga, Vrisharuha, Valadwaya, Gangeruki, Vishvadeva, Jhasha, Kharagandhika, Khanda, Hrasva Gavedhuka, Nagabala, Vridhivala, Bhoomibala
  • English name: Heart leaf fan petals, snake mallow.
  • Hindi name: Bananiyar, Bhyunli bhuinii
  • Telugu name: Gayapaaku, bekkinata legida
  • Kannada name: Nagabala, Turuvegida
  • Malayalam name: Vallikkuruntotti, Nagabala.
  • Tamil name: Palampasi
  • Marathi name: Nagabala
  • Gujarati name: Gangeti
  • Bengal name: Goraksha chakule

Ayurvedic Properties



Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)

Kashaya, Madhura

Astringent, Sweet

Guna (Physical Property)

Guru, Snigdha, Pichhila

Heavy, Unctuous, Sticky

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Effects on Doshas

It balances Vata and Pitta doshas.

Practical Uses

This herb is effective in treating brain problems. It functions as a nervine tonic, assisting in the strengthening, calming, and stimulation of the nervous system. This herb helps to relax the body and is also beneficial in the treatment of stress, anxiety, and depression. As a result, the usage of this herb is highly beneficial in the treatment of brain difficulties such as memory loss and nervine debility. It mostly consists of nadibalya, medhya, snehana amlatanasaka, hardya, and rasayana.

  • This plant promotes the health of the digestive tract. This herb has cooling properties and helps to balance the vitiated vata and pitta doshas. This plant can be used to treat peptic disorders, gastritis, indigestion, and constipation. Furthermore, this plant helps in the alleviation of bloating, bowel motions, flatulence, burns, and stomachaches. This herb helps in digestion and also functions as a laxative.
  • It is also useful in treating respiratory issues such as cough, dyspnea, TB, and hoarseness of voice. It helps in the removal of mucus and phlegm from the airways, bronchi, lungs, and trachea. This plant helps in the alleviation of breathing issues.
  • Having an aphrodisiac quality. This herb works well to stimulate arousal. It also sustains libido. Thus, this herb can help with reproductive problems.
  • Due to its antibacterial and diuretic qualities, this is also beneficial for treating urinary tract infections. Urinating helps in the microorganism's extrusion from the body. These herbs are helpful in relieving pelvic pain, burning sensations, micturition difficulties, and urinating difficulties.
  • This plant helps with overall weakness and gives the body strength. Additionally, this herb supports improved immunity in the body.
  • This plant has a wealth of fetal stabilizing qualities. It supports the fetus's nutritional needs. Thus, this herb is highly advantageous for the healthy growth and development of the fetus.
  • This plant offers wound-healing properties. This herb's roots and leaves are used to treat wounds caused by bleeding disorders.
  • It is well-known for its effectiveness in resolving female reproductive system issues. This herb can help with uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, and PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). This herb aids in the reduction of cyst size and any uterine outgrowth. This herb's anti-inflammatory qualities are effective in pain relief.
  • This plant also promotes heart health. It helps to strengthen the cardiac muscles. This plant dilates blood vessels and promotes healthy blood flow in the body. It aids in the maintenance of excellent HDL levels in the body while decreasing LDL levels. This herb is also beneficial for preserving normal blood pressure levels in the body.

Parts Used

Whole plants mainly roots


  • Phala: 3-6 gms
  • Puspa: 3-6 gms
  • Mula Churna: 5-10 gms
  • Kwatha: 40-80 ml
  • Pancanga churna: 3-6 gms