Devdaru / Deodar / Cedrus Deodara

One important aspect of nature is the human being. Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, the three doshas that make up our body, are essential for maintaining balance. Diseases are brought on by an unbalanced Dosha equilibrium. In addition to herbal treatments, diet restriction, and yoga are also recommended for removing excess doshas and restoring the body's natural equilibrium. Ayurvedic medicine, which originated on the Indian subcontinent millennia ago, is the most natural way to treat a variety of illnesses while also regenerating body cells and giving you a renewed mind and spirit. People travel from all over the world to the Himalayas to gather various healthy herbs in order to produce herbal medications that are beneficial. Devdaru is one of the Himalayas' most powerful herbs, and it is excellent in efficiently healing the body and a variety of illnesses.

General Information

Devdaru is an evergreen conifer tree that is frequently found in the upper Himalayas. Because of its propensity for sobbing (nimbly dangling branches), it is often utilized to line sidewalks or serve as a specimen tree in gardens or parks. This conifer has needles that are 1 to 2 inches long and can be somewhat greyish-green or bluish-green in color. The needles are grouped into whorls of 20 to 30 and appear independently on long shoots. The Devdar is the prevalent name for this in Gujarati, Malayalam, and Hindi. This plant is known as diyaar in Punjabi, while this tree is known as deodar in English. This plant can be found growing between 3,500 and 12,000 feet above sea level.

Special Note About Deodar 

  • Oil with a reddish brown color and sesquiterpene chemical content is extracted from the Devdaru forests.
  • This herb was referenced by Acharya Charak in a number of dashemanis, including stanya shodhan, anuvasnopag, and katuskandh mahakashayas.
  • This herb is listed among the primary Vata-pacifying herbs by Acharya Sushruta.
  • This herb is mentioned by Bhavpraksh Nighantu and Dhanwantri Nighantu in their respective textbooks.

Systemic Classification

Botanical Name - Cedrus deodara

Family - Pinaceae

Genus - Cedrus

Species - C. deodara


Devdaru - This is essentially located in God's home in the Himalayas.

Bhadradaru - This is Uttam in trees.

Surbhuruh - This tree is being cultivated where the gods are.


  • It features a huge coniferous evergreen tree that is 250 inches tall.
  • It has a divine atmosphere surrounding it because it produces flowers, new leaves, fruits, and a lovely scent all year long. This herb is known as the Cedar of Gods since it may be found in the Himalayas, the home of the gods.
  • At age 20, its height increases to 10 meters, and at full maturity, it reaches a height of 20 meters.
  • It grows in a monopodial manner, with a straight stem and several branches branching out of the primary trunk, which is shaped like an arcuate cylinder. During the growth stage, the horizontal branches begin as pyramids and eventually take on cylindrical or flattened shapes.
  • The leaves have a needle shape, are hard and narrow, and appear to be amphistomatous (stomata are present on the two upper sides). The branches are thick. Single leaves are also arranged in a spiral pattern. They have glaucous leaves that last 3 to 6 years on the tree and shed their leaves most frequently in the summer.
  • This plant is monoecious and bears male and female cones of different sorts. Female cones are located in branchlets above, whereas male cones are found in branchlets below. Male cones typically have an oval form, are elongated, and range in color from purplish green to yellowish green before and after pollen release. Female cones are erect, ovoid, or ellipsoidal, and they grow on the edges. At first, they are bluish-green in color, but as they mature, they turn light purple to pale brown.

Ayurvedic Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)



Guna (Physical Property)

Laghu, Snigadh 

Light, Moist

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Effects On Doshas

Balances the dosha of Vata and the dosha of Kapha and is classified as Vedanasthapan Mahakashaya.

Practical Uses

  • This plant's paste or oil is used in making ayurvedic products for the skin and can be used to treat a variety of skin-related problems, including those that are associated with kapha-vata, such as joint disorders that include inflammation.
  • This plant's oil has therapeutic properties and has a natural anti-inflammatory effect.
  • This serves as vedana sthapana and can be used internally to calm the vata rogas. This herbal plant can treat a wide range of illnesses, including osteoarthritis, cervical spondylosis, elderly rheumatoid arthritis, and many other vata-related conditions.
  • This helps the body's digestive system eliminate toxins (ama). And is also highly beneficial in treating bloating, constipation, and many worm infestation-related diseases.
  • This is effective at treating persistent headaches, rhinitis, sinusitis, and old coughs in the respiratory system. It also helps clear mucus and balance the Kapha dosha in the respiratory system, using Ayurveda for Kapha balance.
  • This aids in blood purification, reduces inflammation from numerous blood-related disorders and helps the circulatory system fight off weak heart muscles.
  • This has diuretic effects on the urinary system, which help with pee retention or diabetic conditions.
  • This aids in the reproductive system's ability to provide milk after delivery and fight off various illnesses that affect female health.
  • This helps to control fat accumulation in obesity through its lekhan characteristics.

Part used

Bark extract and oil are also used.


  • Up to 3 to 6 grams of this plant's bark powder can be used.
  • 20 to 40 drops of this plant's oil are applied topically.

Ayumantra Ayurvedic Products (which contain this Herb as an ingredient)

  • Anu Oil

  • Kottamchukkadi Powder

  • Sudarshan Ghan Vati Tablets