The Power of Ayurvedic Medicines for Hair Fall Treatment

Ayurvedic medicines for hair fall treatment offer natural, holistic solutions, addressing root causes and promoting long-term hair health through balanced remedies.

Understanding Ayurveda and Hair Fall:

Ayurveda, a 5,000-year-old holistic healing system, views hair fall as a manifestation of an imbalance in the body's doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Hair and nails are considered mala (waste) of Asthi dhatu. So to have strong hair, our bones need to be stronger. When the gut health is good, then the dhatus are nourished well. Ayurveda treatments aim to treat the root of the problem, and so hair fall is also treated by restoration of the Agni, corrections of imbalanced dosha, and nourishment of the dhatus. 

Hair fall can happen due to multiple reasons. When the kapha blocks the hair follicles and pitta dosha increases along with vata, hair fall can happen. Stress, nutritional deficiency, and deficiency of vitamins, calcium, and iron in the body can also lead to excessive hairfall. 

Not to forget the water, wrong application of oils, untimely food habits, improper diet, improper sleep timings, and stress and underlying diseases can also lead to hair fall. 

Herbal Remedies:

Ayurveda advises taking food at proper time intervals. A healthy and balanced diet is very important to have healthy hair. There are a lot of Ayurveda herbs that help us get long, strong, and thick hair. Here are a few herbs that help under.

  • Amla (Indian Gooseberry) for Hair Growth: Amlaki tablet is a very well-known medicine that is used not only as medicine but also as a fruit. It is made into candy, pickles, bites, etc. It has been used in daily routines for ages. Amla is rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants; it helps to promote hair growth by stimulating the scalp and strengthening hair follicles. Amla is used as powders, oils, and in shampoos too to make hair long and shiny. It nourishes the hair follicles and conditions the hair, reducing breakage and split ends. It is taken both internally and applied externally to improve health. 
  • Bhringraj for Strengthening Hair Roots: The Bhringraj tablet is known as the "king of herbs" for hair care in Ayurveda. For many years, it has been used in oils and applied to the scalp and the length of the hair. It helps in arresting premature graying of hair. It also promotes hair growth and strengthens the roots. 
  • Neem for Scalp Health: Neem powder is very well known for its bitter taste. This helps in the reduction of pitta. It is a potent herb for addressing scalp infections, dandruff, and excess oil production. Neem has antifungal and antibacterial properties that promote a healthy scalp, ensuring a healthy environment for hair to grow. Neem oil or a neem paste can be applied directly to the scalp. Neem is also consumed internally to purify the blood and internal health. 
  • Ayushmati Hair Oil for Nourishing Hair: Ayushmati hair oil combines multiple Ayurvedic herbs, including Amla, Bhringraj, and Brahmi, to deeply nourish the hair, boost growth, and prevent hair thinning. This oil is massaged into the scalp for a soothing, rejuvenating treatment.

Ayurvedic Oils and Treatments for Hair Fall:

One of the panchakarma treatments called Nasya is given to remove the blockages in the hair follicles, which will help in hair growth. Ayurveda hair oils such as Amla taila, Neelibringadi keram, Mahabringaraja taila, sesa oil, trichup oil, keshyam, etc. are some very useful oils that enhance hair growth. 

Ayurvedic Medicines for Hair Fall Treatment

Herbal Hair Masks and Pastes: 

Herbal pastes made from ingredients like fenugreek, hibiscus, and shikakai are traditionally used to fortify hair and reduce hair fall. These masks nourish the scalp, cleanse impurities, and add a protective layer to the hair. Aloevera gel or pulp of aloevera can be used as a mask. Flaxseed gel can be prepared fresh and applied as a mask 40 min before hair wash. 

A balanced Ayurvedic diet for healthy hair should include nutrient-rich foods like leafy greens, whole grains, seeds, and nuts. Consuming ghee, milk, and cooling herbs such as coriander and turmeric also supports healthy hair growth. Also, avoid too much consumption of tea and coffee. A timely diet is also important. Include fruits, berries, and dry nuts like almonds, pista, and sunflower seeds in your diet. Avoid junk as much as possible. Include 1 amla with fenugreek sprouts in your daily diet. Avoid spicy food and junk food. 

Stress is also a major cause of hair fall in Ayurveda. Practicing stress management techniques like meditation, yoga, and pranayama (breathing exercises) helps restore inner balance, which aids in improved hair health. Specific yoga poses such as Sarvangasana and Balasana increase blood flow to the scalp. Asanas such as Shashankasana, shirshasana, Ardha shirshasana, matsyasana, chakrasana, and ommeditation are beneficial for the prevention of hair fall. 

Tips for healthy hair:

  • Wash hair twice a week.
  • Use mild shampoo
  • Avoid too many chemicals for hair. 
  • Use 2 kinds of combs—one to detangle and the other to comb properly. Wash your combs at least weekly once. 
  • Put your hair forward to wash the hair. 
  • Use satin pillow covers to avoid frictional hair loss during sleep time. Change and wash the pillow cover weekly once. 

For severe or persistent hair fall, Ayurvedic medicines for hair fall treatment are recommended. They can analyze your body constitution and dosha imbalances and offer a personalized treatment plan that includes dietary adjustments, herbal supplements, and therapies. Underlining health conditions such as low vitamin B12, anemia, thyroid issues, and low calcium levels can also lead to hair fall. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s):

  1. Can Ayurvedic treatments cure hair fall completely?
    Ayurvedic treatments can significantly reduce hair fall by addressing the root causes, but complete recovery depends on individual factors like the severity of hair loss and adherence to the treatment regimen.
  2. How long does it take to see results with Ayurvedic hair fall treatments?
    Results vary from person to person, but with consistent use of Ayurvedic remedies, visible improvement can be seen within 2-3 months. One needs to be patient to see an outcome when it's related to hair and skin. 
  3. Are Ayurvedic hair oils suitable for all hair types?
    Yes, Ayurvedic hair oils can be customized for different hair types and dosha imbalances. The practitioner may recommend specific oils based on your hair texture and scalp condition.
  4. Can Ayurvedic remedies cause any side effects?
    Ayurvedic remedies are generally safe when used correctly, but it's advisable to consult a professional to ensure the treatments suit your constitution.
  5. How can I maintain the benefits of Ayurvedic hair treatments in the long term?
    To maintain the benefits, follow a consistent hair care routine with Ayurvedic products, eat a balanced diet, manage stress, and get regular scalp massages. 
AyurvedaHair careHerbsHolisticWellness

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