Benefits of Ayurvedic Oils in Balancing the Pitta Dosha

In Ayurveda, oil is referred to as ‘taila’ or ‘tailam’ and is a long-used recipe. The oil is heated along with a variety of herbs to produce a finished product that can be used under numerous conditions. It's one of the pharmaceutical administration methods for treating the three Doshas. Based on the Dosha to be relieved, herbs are selected, and a formulation is prepared. One of the three Doshas in the body is the Pitta Dosha. Its primary job is to control every metabolic process that occurs within the body. That is, it is in charge of the processes involved in digestion, metabolism, energy production, mental and emotional changes, etc. Anger, exhaustion, luster loss, irritation, excessive perspiration, the development of sticky fluid, inflammation, acidity, skin rashes, and other symptoms are caused by an imbalanced Pitta Dosha, either in an increased or decreased state. 

So, among the illnesses that arise from having unbalanced Pitta in the body are heartburn, eczema, dermatitis, gangrene, oversensitivity to sunlight, acne, acid reflux, ulcers, and acute joint inflammation. Many inflammatory diseases in modern times are signs of a Pitta Dosha imbalance, which can be treated with Ayurveda. 

Ayurvedic oil is one of the several therapeutic methods that can be utilized to return Pitta to its normal level. When making oil, the herbs that are beneficial for balancing Pitta Dosha are employed. This oil has multiple applications: it can be massaged on the area of concern or the entire body; it can be taken internally; and it can be used in therapies like Shirodhara, Picchu, Basti (balancing treatment), Snehana (oleation therapy), etc. A few oils that help balance the Pitta Dosha are:

Ayurvedic Oils for Balancing the Pitta Dosha:

Ksheerabala Oil:

Ksheerabala oil has ingredients that balance the Pitta and Vata Dosha, including sesame oil, cow's milk, and the plant Bala (Sida cordifolia). Because of its antithetical qualities to Pitta Dosha, such as sweetness, heaviness, stickiness, and cold potency, it helps cure Pitta Dosha. Ksheerabala Oil is beneficial in trigeminal neuralgia, vascular headache, facial palsy, hypertension, stress, anxiety, irritability, and other joint diseases. It is also beneficial in vatarakta, a disease that affects blood vessels and blood tissue in the joints. It also aids in minimizing hair loss. As a result, this pitta balancing tailam aids in the Vata and Pitta Dosha balancing processes. It can be administered as a massage, Shiro Pichu, Shirodhara, or Shiro Basti.

Pinda Oil:

Original explanations of Pinda oil can be found in the sections on joint disorders in old Ayurvedic writings, which primarily address Pitta and Rakta Dosha. Pinda Oil helps with indications of inflammation, such as burning, swelling, redness, and pounding pain, in ailments including gouty arthritis and joint problems (rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, spondylitis). It assists in reducing discomfort and burning sensations in varicose veins as well as sprains and spasms in the muscles. It is necessary to use this pitta balancing oil externally only. Pinda tailam should be applied carefully, that is, without applying any pressure, to the affected area. After being gradually absorbed by the skin, it acts right away to relieve the affected area.

Pitta Oil:

Pitta oil is a specially blended formulation that helps manage pitta dosha. It contains herbs like Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Bala (Sida cordifolia), Ushira (Chrysopogon zizaniodes), Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus), and sesame oil. These herbs have properties like cold in potency, sweetness, and lightness to digest, which are opposite to Pitta Dosha. This Pitta Oil helps to regulate the body's metabolism and excess heat. It also helps to balance the mind by encouraging positive thinking and enhancing focus. It is also used for those who have headaches and tense muscles. To relieve the inflamed skin area, it is applied locally or utilized externally in pressure massage techniques.

Shirodhara Oil:

The usage of this Shirodhara oil is indicated by its name, which is that it is beneficial for Shirodhara and other ayurvedic treatments specifically meant for the mind. Herbs that work on the brain, such as Brahmi, Bhringaraj, Bala ashwagandha, sesame oil, and sunflower oil, are included in this pitta oil. Thus, the Shirodhara oil aids in removing excess heat, relaxing the mind, relieving stiff muscles in the scalp and forehead, enhancing mental clarity and focus, and encouraging mental activity. further lowers stress and enhances emotional health.

Murivenna Oil:

This esteemed murivenna oil is made with coconut oil, which helps to soothe the body's agitated pitta, together with pitta-balancing herbs including onion (Allium cepa), (Piper betle), shigru (Moringa oliefera), and Karanja (Pongamia glabra). Since it speeds up the healing process, it is particularly useful for non-healing ulcers. Additionally, it reduces swelling and pain in sprains and fractures. Furthermore, it is useful for reducing discomfort, bursitis, shoulder dislocation, ligament tears, or injuries; it is also helpful for muscle relaxants. Murivenna oil is useful for gout and skin. infections, post-viral muscular and joint discomfort, and tightening of the abdominal muscles. It can be administered internally or used as an oil massage or Pichu.

Therefore, when the fundamental oil is properly selected and combined with a blend of particular herbs that balance Pitta Dosha, it can be administered in various therapies to treat an assortment of ailments.


Ayurvedic oils play a vital role in balancing the Pitta Dosha, which is responsible for regulating metabolic processes in the body, including digestion, energy production, and emotional stability. Imbalance of Pitta dosha can also cause problems such as inflammation, itching problems on the skin, and digestion problems. Ksheerabala oil, Pinda, Pitta oil, Shirodhara, and Murivenna oil are ayurvedic oils that are prepared using herbs that have properties that solely balance aggravated pitta. These oils can be applied in various forms of holistic healing according to the Ayurvedic system, which include massages, Shirodhara, and Pichu treatments to help to reduce symptoms and also improve health status. Thus, proper choice of the oil and using it in the right method of treatment, Ayurveda produces a harmonized approach to treat Pitta disorders and to keep a human healthy.

AyurvedaPitta dosha

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