Manjishtha is one of the herbs that are used in Ayurveda for skin disorders; it removes toxins and boosts liver and kidney purification. Acharya Charaka has categorized Manjishtha under the Varnya category. Varnya means to enhance skin complexion.
The Manjistha tablet is available quite conveniently, and you can explore its benefits further in the below section.
What is Manjistha?
The botanical name of Manjishta is Rubia cordifolia. Manjishta is known to purify blood. It has Tikta (bitter), Kashaya (astringent), and Madhura (sweet) to taste.
It is ushna virya (hot in potency); it is the guru, or heavy for digestion, and also dry, i.e., Ruksha guna. Furthermore, it has Katu (pungent after-taste) Vipaka. Manjishta balances Kapha and Pitta dosha. It mainly subsides the pitta dosha.
Benefits of Manjistha:
1. Manjishta has been used as a blood purifier for a very long time. It also works on the liver and the spleen.
2. The stem and the roots of the plants are used for medicinal purposes. Many Ayurveda formulations are made using Manjishta. It is made into the forms of Kashayam, Taila, ghrita, churna, and Arka and is also used in the form of tablets.
3. Manjishta churna can be mixed with rose water, milk, or even water and applied to the skin, and it will help in removing the dark spots of acne on the face and back.
4. Manjishtadi Taila can be used for massage on the skin. It helps in improving circulation, and it gives a glow to the skin. It is also used in skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, dry skin, and pigmentation.
5. Manjishta Kashayam is used for blood purification. Fresh Manjishta Kwatha is used for washing wounds and non-healing ulcers. It can also heal head boils and blisters.
The other benefits of Manjishta according to the Ayurveda shastra include its effect of improving the quality of voice and skin completion.
6. It is used in treating the elimination of toxins; it reduces the inflammation of the joints. It is used in gynec conditions, bleeding per rectum, skin diseases including herpes, and other spreading skin disorders.
7. It is also used in the treatment of burning eyes and pain in the eyes. In Canada and the USA, one can buy Manjishta in the form of Manjishta Tablet. It is available in the form of tablets online at
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Where we can find Manjistha:
It is available in the form of 90 tablets of 1000 mg Manjishta tablet. Additionally, it is a rejuvenating medicine that will help to improve skin complexion and rejuvenate lifeless skin. Plus, it removes toxins naturally and improves blood circulation.
Manjishta Tablet can be taken 1 or 2 tablets twice a day after food. One could also get connected to our expert Ayurveda physician to get their opinion and then start taking the medication.
There are no known side effects for the usage of Manjishta Tablet. It is better to avoid internal intake of Manjishta during pregnancy.
Final Notes:
Manjishta Tablet at Ayumantra has been used by many, and it has shown remarkable changes in their skin. Also, some of them have mentioned that they have seen changes in their immunity and joint inflammation.