Rose (Rosa centifolia)

Indian cabbage rose is the name given to this rose. Roses are herbs that resemble little shrubs. This plant is widely grown for its medicinal and cosmetic properties all over the world. This plant can grow to a height of approximately 1.5–2 meters and has spikes. It can be small and compact or as large as 7 meters. It is typically planted for its fragrant, commercially useful flowers.

The rose is a woody, prickly perennial shrub. This plant has alternating growth of leaves with oval-shaped, finely serrated leaflets. This shrub produces edible, fleshy fruit that ripens to become rose hips. The many varieties of garden roses are the result of the easy hybridization of species from different parts of the world. There are over 2500 hybrid rose variations and about 150 indigenous rose kinds in India.

General Description

The rose plant is a great blood purifier because it has so many therapeutic benefits. This plant's aphrodisiac and anti-inflammatory properties help with a number of medical conditions, including diarrhea and intestinal ulcers. The entire plant is utilized medicinally in Ayurveda.

This plant has 1.3% and 8.5% saponin in its flowers and leaves, respectively. Petals are made of sulfur dioxide and methionine. Citronellol, geraniol, nerol, and phenylethanol are present in the volatile oil extracted from the flowers. 15% of it is also tannin-containing. The entire plant yields cyaniding, kaempferol, and quercetin. The fruit known as rose hips is rich in vitamin C, citric acid, and malic acid.


  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Division: Magnoliophyta
  • Class: Magnoliopsida
  • Order: Rosales
  • Family: Rosaceae
  • Subfamily: Rosoideae
  • Genus: Rosa
  • Species: R.centifolia


It originates in Persia. Commercial roses are grown in France, Bulgaria, Italy, and Spain, among other places. It is widely grown in the Indian states of Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Kashmir. The soil temperature and environment of India and Bulgaria give rise to high-quality fragrances in their roses. The Indian rose is a widely distributed and extensively grown plant in both cold and temperate regions of the country.

Names of the Rose

  • Hindi name – Gulab
  • Sanskrit - Shatapatri
  • English name – Rose
  • Kannada – Gulabihuvu
  • Telugu name – Gulabipuvvu

Ayurvedic Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)

Tikta, Kashya, Madhura

Bitter, Astringent, Sweet

Guna (Physical Property)

Snigdha, Laghu 

Slimy, Light

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Effects on Doshas

This herb supports the equilibrium of the vata and kapha doshas. It helps in lowering pitta dosha.

Classical Categorization

Bhavaprakasha Nighantu

Dhanvantari Nighantu

Kaiyyadeva Nighantu

Raja Nighantu

Pushpa varga

Amradi varga

Oushadhi varga

Karaveeradi varga

Practical Uses of Rose

  • It helps with excessive blood pressure and is highly beneficial for heart problems.
  • When applied topically to wounds, rose petal paste or a powder made from dried petals promotes rapid healing.
  • Applying petal paste to the body helps control excessive perspiration and leaves a nice aroma.
  • Due to its anti-septic activity, rose petals extract, either as drops or as an eye wash, is helpful for eye issues and relieves burning in the eyes.
  • Its dried flower paste, which one can take in at a quantity of 5g with milk, is quite helpful in treating gastritis and duodenal ulcers.
  • Additionally helpful for constipation, its decoction made from rose buds (20–30 ml) is effective.
  • Rosehip tincture works well as an astringent, treats diarrhea, and eases the pain associated with colic.
  • Rose petal infusion is beneficial when gargling for sore throats.
  • Because rose essential oil has antibacterial, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties, it can effectively relieve symptoms of dry or irritated skin while also providing moisture.
  • Particularly rich in vitamin C—three times more than citrus fruits—the dried fruit of the wild rose is a rather good scurvy preventive.
  • Herbal tea made from rose petals is excellent for reducing acidity, burning sensations throughout the body, mouth dryness, and intestinal infections.
  • Additionally helpful as aromatherapy for blood pressure and insomnia, rose essential oil.
  • The cosmetics industry uses a lot of rose oil or extract as an ingredient in body spray, body wash, soap, and other products.

Parts Used

Fresh or dried flower petals


  • Powder - 3 gm to 6 gm
  • Distillate - As per the requirement
  • Distillate from the flower - 20 ml to 30 ml

Precautions to Be Taken

This herb may cause allergies in certain persons. There have been no reported medication interactions or contraindications when using this plant.