Plandu / Onion (Allium Cepa)

Ayurvedic medicine is an old Indian science. Ayurveda offers the most effective natural treatment for illnesses and their cures. Every person has different symptoms and methods for investigating diseases. For example, we investigate patients using Trividh Pareeksha, which is darshan, sparsha, and prashan. We can also investigate diseases by using Nidan panchak, which includes nidana, poorva roopa, roopa, upshaya, and samprapti. Finally, we can understand the patient's condition using Prakriti, Vikriti, Sara, samhana, praman, Satmaya, satwa, ahar shakti, vyayan shakti, vaya, and bala. Ayurvedic medicine determines the ideal medication for the illness and provides easily accessible care. We'll talk about Allium cepa's numerous advantages for those in need as it is one of the most exquisite herbs referenced by Ayurvedic Acharyas in classical Ayurvedic scriptures.

General Information

Allium cepa is an annual herb, which is often referred to as an annual spice. It is well-known for its bulb, which is used as a flavoring and sauce. The herb has a number of medical uses, making it useful in everyday cooking. It is stated that onions are the primary spice in all vegetables and that they help many individuals regulate their blood sugar and cholesterol levels. This herb is also known as pyaaz, which is the common term in Hindi; it is called ganda in Punjabi; konda in Malayalam; dungli in Gujarati; and bulb onion in English. The onion is a member of the genus Allium and family Liliaceae. This plant is considered to have anti-aging qualities, is revitalizing, and aids in memory improvement.

Special Note About Onion 

  • Allium cepa is a herb that is commonly used in Indian homes' kitchens as a wonderful spice for any vegetable and for making salads.
  • This is a typical location in India.
  • There are two variants of this herb: red and white.
  • This herb's chemical makeup includes quercetin and sylapicirin, and it has a strong taste and possibly an unpleasant smell.
  • In their separate Samhitas in Shaka varga, this herb is classified as Bhavprakash, Acharya Charak, Acharya Sushruta, and Vagbhata.

Systemic Classification

  • Botanical Name - Allium cepa
  • Family - Liliaceae
  • Genus - Allium
  • Species - A. cepa


  • Plandu - who helps in the body's defense against several illnesses
  • Durgandha - having bad odor


  • The onion is a biennial plant that grows virtually year-round despite being domesticated for seven to eight thousand years. The herb's maximum height is between 15 and 45 cm.
  • The leaves have a yellow-blue tint and grow in the form of a hollow stem or a flattened fan. These grow up to the bulb and are cylindrical with a flat border on one side. As the onion reaches maturity, its bulb will grow as the plant's food reserves begin to accumulate in the leaf's basement.
  • Its fruits are swollen and have three tiny chambers filled with black seeds.
  • It has a reddish-white rhizome, and the white fruit it bears is made up of ksheer plandu.

Ayurvedic Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)

Katu, Madhur, Tikta, Kashaya, Amla 

Pungent, Sweet, Bitter, Astringent, Sour

Guna (Physical Property)

Snigadh, Guru, Teekshan 

Moist, Heavy, Sharp

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Effects On Doshas

It balances the Vata dosha

Practical Uses

  • As an aphrodisiac, rasayana (rejuvenating), raktapitta hara (helpful in bleeding problems), prameha ghana (anti-diabetic), and Vedana shamak (pain reliever), this herb is quite efficient.
  • When we don't exercise enough or have poor eating habits that cause the body to accumulate toxins, this herb is highly helpful in detoxifying the body.
  • Amino acids included in this herb aid in better digestion and the removal of undesirable toxins from the body.
  • Because this plant is high in vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, it also helps us have stronger immunity.
  • This herb, as everyone knows, is added to every vegetable in Indian cuisine to facilitate easy digestion and improve flavor.
  • Onion juice is becoming well-known these days for strengthening hair and stimulating hair growth. Additionally, it helps manage dandruff.
  • Onions are made up of reinforcements within the cell, as has already been proven. Aging is mostly caused by a collection of dangerous factors in our skin. Onion's antioxidants and anti-toxic properties help steadily and gradually slow down the years' progress.
  • According to some, this plant is the finest for pacifying the vata and treating diseases associated with the vata.
  • Snigdha guna and teekshan help in liquifying mucus in the respiratory system.
  • It also functions as a diuretic because of its sharp properties.
  • Ojo Vardhan is associated with immune health promotion because of its sweet taste, moisturizing qualities, and heavy constituents that aid in strengthening the patient.

Part used

Seed and Rhizome


  • Rhizome juice and decoction can be consumed in amounts ranging from 10 to 30 milliliters.
  • One to three grams of seed powder can be consumed.
  • If the dosage is higher than what is indicated above, the symptoms may manifest as a decrease in memory or medha shakti.