Papita (Carica papaya)

Herbs are becoming more popular as synthetic pharmaceuticals become more dangerous and harmful to the environment. Herbs are non-toxic and contain medicinal, flavorful, and aromatic characteristics. Some chemical compounds have therapeutic properties because they impact physiological changes in the body. Carica papaya, for example, has become well known for its outstanding nutritional characteristics.

This plant is indicated in many health situations such as cough, cold, respiratory disorders, enlarged spleen, oedema, inflammatory diseases, asthma, liver enlargement, toxic conditions, low digesting strength, and so on, according to Ayurveda.

  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Hindi Name: Papita
  • English Name: Papaya tree, Papain
  • Urdu Name: Arand kharbuza
  • Botanical Name: Carica papaya
  • Family: Caricaceae

Medicinal Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)

Tikta, Katu

Bitter, Pungent

Guna (Physical Property)

Ruksha, Laghu 

Dry, Light

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Effect on Dosha

It pacifies Kapha and Vata dosha.

Therapeutic Properties of Different Parts of Papita 

  • Ripe fruits: Tonic, sedative, digestive, diuretic, carminative, useful in constipation, skin diseases like ringworm etc.
  • Unripe fruit: It is a diuretic, laxative, abortifacient, and has antibacterial properties, making it effective in snake bites.
  • Root: Diuretic, antifungal, abortifacient, and beneficial in irregular uterine bleeding.
  • Leaves: The leaves are consumed as a vegetable, and used to treat wounds, the smoke is used to treat asthma, and the infusion is used to treat gonorrhea and urinary problems.
  • Flowers: Flowers are febrifuges, emmenagogues, and have pectoral properties.
  • Stem Bark: Because of its anti-hemolytic and anti-fungal properties, stem bark is beneficial for conditions like dengue fever, jaundice, and STDs.
  • Latex: relieves bleeding hemorrhoids, dyspepsia, diarrhea, stomach acid, whooping cough, and other symptoms.

Health Benefits

Helps in Dengue Fever

Since ancient times, papaya leaves have been used extensively in Ayurvedic medicine to cure dengue illness.

  • More people now utilize papaya leaf extract than traditional therapy to treat dengue illness.
  • Papaya leaves also have the ability to combat viral illnesses like the common cold.
  • Because it contains more than fifty immune-supporting components and vitamins like A, C, and E, it helps to bolster the body's defenses against illness.
  • The leaves help in the regeneration of platelets and white blood cells because of their organic components.

Improves Skin Complexion

Because beta-carotene and vitamin E have antioxidant qualities and assist in preventing cell damage, papayas are also excellent for your skin.

  • The formation of collagen is supported by vitamin E. Additionally rich in beta-carotene, which reduces wrinkles, is papaya fruit.
  • Papaya fruit consumption can promote youthful-looking skin.
  • A papaya face mask offers the skin a rejuvenating appearance.
  • Papaya seed oil is beneficial for both maintaining healthy skin and treating certain skin conditions.

Dissolves Blood Clots

Papaya fruit includes 'fibrin,' which helps in blood clotting prevention and blood flow.

  • So make sure you eat papaya every day.

Improves Heart Health

Due to their high content of potent antioxidants and vitamins A, C, and E, papaya fruit and seeds are beneficial for heart health.

  • Papayas are a good way to avoid heart disease and atherosclerosis since they include vitamins and antioxidants.
  • Papaya also has a high fiber content, which reduces cholesterol levels in the body.

Digestive Health and Elimination of Celiac Disease

Enzyme supplementation is well-known for its use in the treatment of numerous digestive problems, including protein intolerance.

  • There are plant-based enzymes, such as papain, which are produced from papaya and serve as an excellent digestive aid in the breakdown of proteins. It acts similarly to pepsin in gastric juice.
  • Celiac disease patients who are unable to digest wheat protein benefit from papaya.

Anti-Cancer Perspectives

  • Papaya is rich in nutrients, but because it contains antioxidants and phytochemicals that are cytotoxic, it also has therapeutic and chemopreventive qualities that may be useful in the fighting against some forms of cancers.
  • The cytotoxic properties of papaya leaves are corroborated by the presence of saponins in the leaves.
  • Additionally, studies on the juice of this plant have demonstrated anti-proliferative properties on liver cancer cells.

Other Health Benefits

  • Papaya milk applied uncooked can help with inflammation, fever, and pain during micturition. It can also be used to soothe insect and scorpion bites.
  • To alleviate localized swelling and fever, a 20–30 ml dosage of a cold infusion made from papaya leaves is administered.
  • The raw papaya vegetable is used to cure hepatomegaly, piles, and intestinal worms.
  • Papaya leaves are placed in the affected area after being mildly heated in order to relieve pain and edema.
  • Raw papaya milk is used to treat eczema and ringworm on the skin.
  • Consuming the ripe fruit will help ease constipation.
  • The heart's muscles are strengthened by papaya fruit.
  • People who consume non-vegetarian foods high in protein, such as meat, and other protein supplements may benefit from eating papaya slices, which contain an enzyme known as papain, which acts as a proteolytic.

Parts used

Fruit, latex, leaf, and seeds.


Papaya raw should not be consumed by pregnant women since it contains milk, which can result in an abortion.