Padmaka / Bird Cherry (Prunus Cerasoides)

Ayurveda is an ancient holistic medicine that helps people stay healthy and disease-free. It was created over three thousand years ago to promote good health and to keep the mind, soul, and spirit in balance. Our body is regulated by three doshas, or energy, which are controlled by different physiological processes. Ayurvedic medicine aims to balance all three doshas in order to detoxify the body and manage fundamental body functions. It offers a comprehensive approach to living a long and healthy life. Food and herbs are the primary sources for gaining longevity and balancing all three doshas.

General Information

Padmaka is one of the most wonderful ayurvedic plants that has been utilized since ancient times to obtain various therapeutic benefits. India is the greatest producer of medicinal plants that are used to manage various ailments in an effective manner. This Rosaceae plant is compiled in various herbal preparations to demonstrate its capabilities. The Ayurvedic holistic system recommends this plant for treating a variety of skin problems due to its remarkable therapeutic characteristics, which give the skin a brighter color and radiance. It is a medium to tall plant that grows wild in the Himalayas and is known by several names in different languages, including Bird cherry in English, wild Himalayan cherry in Hindi, Gujarati Padmkashtha and Padmaka, Padmak in Malayalam. It is also a well-known plant in the Rosaceae family because its aroma is comparable to that of the lotus. Its well-known synonyms include suprabha, which means very handsome, and Hemavarnaka or Peeta rakta, which indicates reddish yellow or golden in color.

Special Note About Bird Cherry

This herb is quite good at balancing the Kapha-pitta dosha.

    • This plant is referenced by Acharya Charak in Vedana sthapana mahakashaya, Varnya mahakashaya, and Kashaya Skandh.
    • This herb was mentioned by Acharya Sushrut in Sarivadi Ganna and Chandanadi Ganna.
    • Dhanwantri Nighantu, Bhavprakash Nighantu, and Raj Nighantu have all taken an interest in this herb and have written about its advantages and therapeutic properties in their various textbooks
    • Dhanwantri Nighantu and Raj Nighantu - This herb was also mentioned by Chandanadi Varga for conception and controlling blood-related illnesses.
    • Kaiyyadeva Nighantu - Aushadhi varga
    • Bhavprakash nighantu - Its characteristics include treating herpes, burns, and other skin illnesses, as well as helping in conception, acting as an aphrodisiac, and helping in the management of dehydration.

Systemic Classification

  • Botanical Name - Prunus Cerasoides
  • Family - Rosaceae
  • Genus - Prunus
  • Species - P. Cerasoides


  • This is a medium to tall growing tree that may be found in the Himalayas from Akka and Khasi Hills in Assam and Manipur to Kashmir and Bhutan at elevations of 8000 feet above sea level. This grows in a moderate region with plenty of shade and efficient farming.
  • This might be of medium or larger size, and when the flower blooms, it looks dazzling and attractive.
  • Its stem or bark is spherical, with a blood-crimson shine and nodular growth, and it has the same aroma as lotus. Its skin is moist and dark. Its bark eventually peels off in little chunks.
  • Its leaves are three to five inches long, spiked, and unctuous in nature.
  • It has white or reddish flowers that bloom in groups and pedicles that are half to one inch long. Its fruits are round or oval in shape, unctuous, and can grow to be 1.25 cm long and red and yellow in color.
  • It has less pulp and the seeds are solid in form; the pulp is yellow or blood-red in color and has a sour taste.
  • Flowers bloom in January, and fruits appear on the tree in March.

Ayurvedic Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)

Kashaya, Tikta 

Astringent, Bitter

Guna (Physical Property)

Snigdha, Laghu 

Moist, Light

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Effects On Doshas

It Balances the Kapha and Pitta dosha.

Practical Uses

  • This herb is a Kapha-pitta dosha shamak, which means it can aid with ailments caused by Kapha and pitta dosha.
  • This plant can be used externally to improve the complexion by preparing a paste of its bark or pulp and applying it to the skin, or it can be used internally to relieve burning and itching symptoms.
  • This herb aids in the treatment of numerous skin ailments such as visarp (herpes) and skin discoloration.
  • This plant is also beneficial to the channel systems since it is utilized to relieve pain.
  • Its astringent rasa is used for stambhan in the digestive tract, which means it helps to control the flow and reduces nausea and vomiting.
  • As a result of its astringent flavor, it aids in the regulation of stomach inflammation, vomiting, and dehydration-like disorders.
  • This herb helps to treat several sorts of blood diseases in the circulatory system, such as blood thinning or clots, and hyperlipidemia.
  • This herb acts as a diuretic in urinary tract problems, hence it is used to expel stones or to regulate excessive glycosuria.
  • This herb aids in conception and reduces the likelihood of suffering an abortion due to its cooling and astringent properties.
  • This acts as an antidote to a variety of poisons.
  • This plant works wonders for excessive perspiration and skin disorders.
  • This is also used in cases of fever.

Part used

Seeds and Bark


  • Bark powder or Heartwood- 1 to 3 grams.
  •  Fruit juice or Decoction - 40 to 50 ml in divided doses.