Shalparni (Desmodium gangeticum)

The woody-stemmed shalparni (Desmodium gangeticum) shrub grows to a height of 2-4 feet. Soft hairs cover the branches. The leaves are up to 15cm long, uniflolate, ovate, oblong, obtuse, and hairy underneath. The hue of the lower surface of the leaves is pale green. Flowers have a purple or white hue. Pods are hair-like structures that are thin, flat, and curved, and transport six to eight nodes. August and November are the months when flowers and fruits appear.

General Information

Ayurveda considers shaliparni (Desmodium gangeticum) to be one of the most significant herbs. It is one of the ten herbs that make up the Dashmoola group. This herb has countless beneficial Ayurvedic characteristics. Anthelmintic, anti-catarrhal, expectorant, diuretic, febrifuge, nervine tonic, anti-diarrheal, and stomachic are some of the qualities of this herb. Additionally, using this plant effectively treats problems such as piles, respiratory issues, and enteric fever.

Chemical composition

These herbs contain phytochemical substances called N-dimethyltryptamine, hypaphorine, hordenine, caudicine, gangetin-3H, gangetinin, and desmodin, which have a variety of health effects.


  • Kingdom - Plantae
  • Subkingdom - Tracheobionta
  • Superdivision - Spermatophyta
  • Division - Magnoliophyta
  • Class - Magnoliopsida
  • Subclass - Rosidae
  • Order - Fabales
  • Family - Fabaceae
  • Genus - Desmodium
  • Species - gangeticum


It can be found in Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, China, Japan, and tropical Africa. In contrast, it is produced in India's forests and wastelands from the plains and western Ghats to Sikkim, which is about 1500 meters north.


  • Latin Name: Desmodium gangeticum
  • Hindi name: Sarivan, Salaparni
  • Sanskrit name: Vidarigandha, Anshumati, Shalaparni
  • Bengali: Shalapani
  • Marathi: Salavan
  • Gujarati: Shalavan
  • Telugu: Gitanaram, Kolakuponna, Nakkatokaponna
  • Tamil: Pulladi, Moovilai
  • Malayalam: Pullati, Moovila
  • Kannada: Nariyalavona, Murele honne

Ayurvedic Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)

Madhura, Tikta

Sweet, Bitter

Guna (Physical Property)

Guru, Snigdha

Oily, Heavy

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Effects on Doshas

It balances the vata and kapha doshas.

Classical Categorization

Charak Samhita

Sushrut Samhita

  • Angamardhaprashamana - A group of herbs used to treat myalgia
  • Shothahara - Herbs with anti-inflammatory properties
  • Balya - a group of plants that increase power
  • Snehopaga - A group of plants used in Snehana (oleation - the Panchakarma preparation phase)
  • Madhura Skandha - A group of sweet-tasting herbs.
  • Vidarigandhadi gana,
  • Laghu Panchamoola

Practical uses

  • Anti-oxidants - This herb's abundance of antioxidant qualities helps to counteract the negative effects of other chemicals and free radicals. As a result, it is a useful plant for boosting immunity and defending the body against illness.
  • Anti-inflammatory - This herb's anti-inflammatory properties are highly effective at relieving pain in many body areas.
  • Anti-rheumatic and anti-arthritis properties - When used for rheumatism and arthritis, this herb works pretty well. Joint discomfort and swelling can be lessened by the herb's anti-inflammatory and analgesic qualities. It also increases mobility and helps in relieving joint stiffness.
  • Astringent - This herb has astringent properties that aid in the constriction of bodily tissues. It aids in the body's elimination of toxins and waste products.
  • Antipyretic - Because it is an antipyretic, this herb works well for fever treatment.
  • Anthelmintic - This herb's anti-parasitic qualities work wonders to drive out worms and other internal parasites from the body. Herbs with anthelmintic qualities are also used to treat flukes, roundworms, and tapeworms. This herb is also helpful in treating conditions like diarrhea and anemia brought on by worm infestation.
  • Diuretic - Herbs with diuretic characteristics can help with issues like burning in the pee, trouble urinating, and frequent urination.
  • Immune-stimulant - Additionally, this herb stimulates the immune system and aids in the activation of B cells, T cells, monocytes, and macrophages, among other immune system components.
  • Laxative - Additionally acting as a laxative, this herb facilitates easy feces to pass.
  • Nervine tonic - Because this plant is regarded as a nervine tonic, it can be used effectively to relieve stress, tension, anxiety, and depression.
  • Regarding cardiac conditions The Charak Samhita mentions using Shalaparni to treat heart conditions caused by an imbalance of Vata.
  • Treatment of piles - Using this plant to treat piles is highly successful. It eases constipation, which is a potential contributing factor to piles, and aids in better digestion. Furthermore, this herb helps to relieve symptoms including swelling, redness, itching, irritation, and discomfort around the anus.
  • Respiratory complications - Herbal extracts have the ability to limit the lung's release of chemicals that cause allergies and inflammation.
  • For cardiovascular problems - The heart muscles are strengthened by this plant. By widening blood arteries, it keeps the body's blood flow healthy. It lowers LDL levels and aids in maintaining healthy HDL levels in the body. Additionally, this herb supports the body's ability to maintain a healthy blood pressure level.
  • Skin diseases - This herb's extracts are also effective in treating skin conditions. It helps in the treatment of symptoms related to skin illnesses, such as skin redness, itching, and dry scaling.
  • Sexual debility - The herb's aphrodisiac qualities support healthy libido and sex drive. This aids in the management of problems related to male sexual health, such as early ejaculation and sexual debility.
  • Digestive problems - Furthermore, this plant promotes a healthy digestive tract. This herb works well for treating issues including diarrhea, vomiting, flatulence, and anorexia.

Parts Used

  • Roots
  • Whole plant


  • Decoction - 50-100ml