Saptaparna, White cheesewood (Alstonia scholaris)

The name Saptaparna (Alstonia scholaris), which translates to "seven leaves in a whorl," refers to an evergreen tree that can reach a height of 40 meters. It's a glabrous tree with glossy, green leaves that seem greyish underneath. The leaves have a diameter of 1-2 cm and a length of 4-6 inches. Although the leaves are in clusters and vary in size, they are referred to as visama-cchada and ayuk cchada.

The thick, brittle bark of this tree has a yellowish interior and a white exterior. A creamy substance seeps out when the bark is broken. The white seeds have cotton-like strands connected to the end of them.

General Description

An herbal plant called saptaparna has long been employed in Ayurvedic medicine preparations. The Charaka and Sushrutha Samhithas both reference it. Its bark, latex, flowers, and leaves are utilized in medicinal preparations. The tree contains a lot of flavonoids and alkaloids. The primary constituents of this herb include ditamine, echitenine, and echitamine, which are substituted for the well-known medication quinine.

Additional chemical compositions are as follows: angustilobine B, 6, 7-seco-6-norangustilobine B (losbanine, alschomine, isolschomine, alstonamine); echitamine, tubotaiwine, alstonamine scholaricine, etc.; picrinine, strictamine, tetrahydroalstonine, etc.

It is applied to the management of tridosha-related diseases. Most of it is kaphavatashamak. It is discovered that the tree has anticancer qualities. Alstonia Scholaris is an extremely beneficial herb for skin, respiratory, and blood purification.


  • Local Name - Saptaparni
  • Botanical Name - Alstonia Scholaris
  • Kingdom - Plantae
  • Family - Apocynaceae
  • Subkingdom - Viridiplantae
  • Division - Tracheophyta
  • Class - Magnoliopsida
  • Order - Gentianales
  • Genus - Alstonia
  • Species - scholaris


The Asian subcontinent is home to the tree. The tree can be found widely in the Andaman Islands, West Bengal, Bihar, Peninsular India, and the Sub-Himalayan region. It can also be found in Karnataka's somewhat arid regions, such as the Shimoga district. In addition to India, it is widely distributed in Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Nepal, Burma, Pakistan, and Australia.

It grows organically in many kinds of soil, even in dry areas. January and February are the fruit-bearing months for these herb trees. October to November is the blossoming season.


  • Latin name - Alstonia Scholaris
  • Hindi Name - Chitvan, Chitavan, Satouna 
  • English Name - Blackboard tree, Indian devil tree, Dita, Milkwood Pine, White cheesewood.
  • Telugu Name - Edakula Ponna, Edakulariti
  • Bengali Name - Chatim
  • Punjabi Name - Satouna
  • Urdu Name - Kashim (chatim)
  • Marathi Name - Satvina, Satveena
  • Gujarati Name - Satvana, Saatavan
  • Assamese Name - Satiana, Chatian
  • Kannada Name - Maddale
  • Tamil Name - Elilaippalai,
  • Malayalam Name - Mukkampala, Pala
  • Mizoram Name - Thuamriat
  • Oriya Name - Taala mraanu, Thuamriat, 
  • Tibetan Name - Lo ma bdun

Ayurvedic Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)

Tikta, Kashaya

Bitter, Astringent

Guna (Physical Property)

Laghu, Snigdha

Light, Unctuous

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Effects on Doshas

It balances Kapha and Vata doshas.

Classical Categorization

Charak Samhita

Sushrut Samhita

  • Kusthaghna - Herb group used for skin conditions
  • Udarda prashamana - a group of herbs used to treat ringworm infestation and allergic skin issues
  • Kashaya Skandha - A group of bitter-tasting herbs
  • Tikta Skandha - a group of bitter-tasting herbs
  • Aragvadhadi

Properties and Practical Uses

The medication has vermifuge, cardiac tonic, carminative, antiseptic, and antipyretic properties. It is used to treat skin conditions, fever, respiratory illnesses, and stomach pain. The medication is widely used in traditional medicine to treat malaria.

  • Because the twigs of the Alstonia Scholaris tree have bactericidal properties, they are used to wash teeth.
  • Herbs can help with skin conditions that secrete and skin illnesses caused by allergies.
  • It has also been discovered to be beneficial for round and thread worms.
  • Women who deliver are given this excellent vitamin, which enhances appetite.
  • It is a useful treatment for lowering fever, promotes lactation, and gives new mothers more strength.
  • In patients with chronic arthritis, the bark paste is applied to swollen joints to provide relief.
  • Saptaparna is a highly effective blood cleanser that has positive heart effects.
  • Due to its excellent antipyretic properties and ability to treat fever similarly to quinine without any negative side effects, it is highly beneficial for treating malarial fever.
  • In cases of dyspnea, it is quite helpful.
  • This herb is even advised for splenic enlargement that is chronic.
  • Alstonia Scholaris is a helpful plant for boosting new moms' appetite.
  • Additionally, the herb makes new mothers lactate more.
  • The powdered flower is applied topically to treat headaches.
  • In cases of leprosy, the bark is administered in the form of an extract made from fresh bark that is administered with milk.
  • Its milky liquid can be used to treat ulcers, tumors, wounds, and rheumatism.
  • It has been discovered that the ripening fruits of Saptaparna can help treat epilepsy, syphilis, and insanity.
  • Females typically take saptaparna powder during pregnancy and after giving birth to their child, since it helps to strengthen the mother's body, enhance nursing, and improve the digestive system.
  • Diabetes patients have found saptaparna decoction to be beneficial.
  • For asthma sufferers, saptaparna flower juice combined with honey is beneficial.


  • Three to six grams is the dosage of Saptaparna bark powder.
  • Dosage for its decoction should be 40–50 ml.

Part Used

  • Stem Bark
  • Latex
  • Flowers


Never take more Alstonia Scholaris extract than is necessary.