Aloe vera / Ghrit kumari (Aloe Barbadensis)

Ghrit kumari is a well-known herb that has long been utilized in Ayurveda. The scientific name for it is Aloe barbadensis. It belongs to the Liliaceae family.  It is a perennial plant that is xerophytic, shrubby, and pea-green in color. They have strong, robust stalks. It can reach lengths of 80 to 100 cm. The root structure is fibrous in nature. The plant has fleshy, lance-shaped leaves that are thick and have sharp tips. The maximum size of these leaves is 18 inches long by 2 inches wide. They range in color from gray-green to green. The triangular-shaped leaves are uniformly length. Three layers make up a plant's leaves; the inner layer contains 99% water and the outer layer contains 1% biochemicals. The middle layer is made of latex and contains sap that is yellow in color. The outer layer comes last; it is a thick layer that covers the entire plant and is composed of 15–20 cells. The plant can survive for a very long time since its leaves are very water-rich. The margins of the leaves are prickly. Kumari flowers are pendulous, cylinder-shaped, and arranged in dense racemes. These measure up to 2 to 3 centimeters in length and are yellow in color. The plant's roots are substantial and fibrous. The plant produces triangular-shaped fruits that are packed with seeds.

General Description

Aloe vera, also known as Ghritkumari or Aloe barbadensis, is well-known. The word alloeh is the source of the word aloe vera. The Arabic word alloeh describes a substance as having a brilliant bitter quality. True is the meaning of the Latin word vera.

There are indications that Ghritkumari has been in use for a long period. Aloe vera was used by Alexander and Christopher Columbus to heal the soldiers' wounds. Ancient scriptures such as the Vedas (600 BC), Samhitas (1500–600 AD), Nighantus, and others all make reference to Kumari.

The Ghritkumari plants contain a variety of potent phytochemicals that have been shown to be quite important in treating illnesses.

Different active phytochemicals

Anthraquinone - Anthraquinones number roughly twelve. These 12 anthraquinones include aloin and emodine. Antibacterial, antiviral, and analgesic characteristics are added to these molecules.

Amino acids - It has seven to eight essential amino acids in addition to the 20 amino acids that humans need. These amino acids are well known for their anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Carbohydrates - Monosaccharides and polysaccharides make up Ghritkumari.

Hormones - Ghritkumari hormones are essential in the treatment of several disorders. Auxins and gibberellins are two examples of hormones. These are regenerative and anti-inflammatory.

Vitamins - Vitamins A, C, and E, folic acid, choline, and B12 are all included in ghritkumari. These provide blood and bodily cells with nutrition and combat free radicals.

Fatty acids - Four different steroid types are offered by Kumari. These include B sisosterol, cholesterol, campesterol, and lupeol. These steroids have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic qualities.

Inorganic components - These contain a variety of minerals, including sodium, magnesium, copper, selenium, and more. The many enzyme systems depend on them. These systems carry out a variety of metabolic tasks, some of which serve as antioxidants.

Enzymes - Catalase, alkaline phosphatase, amylase, bradykinase, cyclooxidase, cylooxygenase, lipase, oxidase, carboxypeptidase, carboxylase, and superoxide dismutase are just a few of the several enzymes that are present in it. These play a crucial role in the breakdown of lipids and carbohydrates. When administered to the skin, one of the enzymes, bradykinase, helps to lessen severe inflammation.


  • Kingdom - Plantae
  • Subkingdom – Tracheobionta
  • Superdivision - Spermatophyta
  • Division - Magnoliophyta
  • Family - Aloeaceae
  • Class - Liliopsida
  • Subclass - Liliidae
  • Genus - Aloe
  • Species - Barbadensis
  • Order - Liliales


Ghritkumari is indigenous to the Canary Islands, the Mediterranean region of North Africa, and Southern Europe. It is grown in the United States, Mexico, Asia, Southern Europe, the West Indies, Bermuda, Bahamas, Aruba, Bonaire, and Central and South America. In south India's es and coastal areas, it spreads like wildfire. It also grows in several areas of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Chhattisgarh.

Alternative Names

  • Sanskrit Name - Kumari, Ghritkumari, Gruha Kanya, Vipulasrava
  • Hindi Name - Guarpatha, Ghikanvar, Rambans
  • English Name – Indian Aloe, Aloe Vera
  • Bangali Name – Ghritkumari
  • Tamil Name – Chirukuttali
  • Gujrathi Name - Kunwar Path
  • Malayalam Name - Kumara, Kattar Vazha
  • Marathi Name - Korphad, Kunvarpata
  • Telugu Name - Chinna Kalabanda
  • Kannada Name - Lolisara
  • Oriya Name - Kumara

Ayurvedic Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)



Guna (Quality)

Snigdha, Pichhila, Guru 

Unctuous, Sticky, Heavy

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Effects on Doshas

All three doshas are balanced 

Classical Categorization

There is no independent information about Ghritkumari found in the original Ayurvedic writings..

  • It is referenced in the Samhitas as a single medication and as one of the herbs used to create herbal preparations.
  • In the 13th century, Acharya Sharangdhara clarified one of Ghritkumari's well-known formulations. It's called Kumariasava.
  • In the fourteenth century, Acharya Shodal brought Ghritkumari to Nighantus.
  • It is known as Kushthavinashini (medicine eliminates all types of skin problems), according to Acharya Shodal.
  • Kumari is described by Acharya Kaiyadeva as rasayana, which means rejuvenator, and vrasya, which means aphrodisiac.
  • The advantages of Ghritkumari flowers are contained in Kaiyadeva nighantu. The blooms were described as vermicidal.

Practical Uses

  • It benefits those with diabetes by assisting in blood sugar level stabilization.
  • Burns and other skin conditions can be cured with its treatment.
  • It provides comfort from ulcers and cuts.
  • It hydrates the skin and stops acne from spreading.
  • It aids in the treatment of vaginal infections, herpes, fungus, insect bites, and allergic responses.
  • Jaundice, amenorrhea, and piles can all benefit from its juice.
  • It is antiseptic and aids in the destruction of many viruses and bacteria.
  • It cures constipation, regulates acid production, and alkalizes the body.
  • It guards against IBS, Crohn's disease, and kidney stones.
  • It regulates oxidative stress and cholesterol levels.

Parts Used



  • Fresh juice – 10-20 ml
  • Leaf pulp – 1-3 grams
  • Aqueous extract – 100-300 mg


  • Use abstinence while breast-feeding and pregnancy.
  • Aloe can occasionally produce diarrhea and cramping when taken orally.