Mameera / Golden Thread Herb (Coptis Teeta)

For millennia, the Indian subcontinent's Ayurvedic therapy method has been the standard for treating ailments. Ayurveda, as its name suggests, is a true life science that will strengthen your body's defenses against sickness and boost your immunity. You'll wake up with a refreshed body and mind. According to Ayurveda, the human body is a part of nature. In addition, the body has three doshas that are in balance: Pitta, Kapha, and Vata. The cause of ailments is an imbalance in the system. Ayurvedic medicines are advised to eliminate excess dosha and restore equilibrium, coupled with diet management and physical activity such as yoga. In general, the focus of Ayurveda is on the patient's thriving. Regular medication use will aid in the numerous entities' flawless cures as well as the body's and mind's revival. The vast majority of other therapy methods do not have any adverse effects, unlike Ayurvedic drugs. It is not advisable to adhere to one of those for an extended duration. You really should seek out any more medication in the future once you have completed your treatment and restored your body to health. For a stronger and healthier life, the specialists would nevertheless advise you to modify your diet and way of living. We're going to talk about a new plant that has these amazing qualities and helps us with a number of health problems.

General Information

Healing plants adapt to different elevations based on different climate zones. While certain healing plants, like Coptis teeta, continue to deplete from their natural habitat and require removal, others are transferred with great potential. High tension stems from their unsystematic exploitation through development, urbanization expansion, farming, street construction, and a few frequent disasters like land sliding, among other things. The area's development of restorative plants has also been welcomed with great potential for plant acclimatization, with plants filling in one region after another as needed. Coptis teeta is a member of the Ranunculaceae family and is sometimes referred to as the "golden thread herb" in English. This plant, also known as Mishmi teeta, is well-known in the upper reaches of the Mishmi highlands. This is the greatest Mameera and is grown all around China.

Special Note About Mameera 

  • This herb is classified under the chakshushyadi Varga by Acharya Priyavrat Sharma, meaning it would aid in promoting eye health.
  • In 18.3 percent of its roots is a very unique chemical known as berebrine.
  • Due to its many qualities, this plant is claimed to be beneficial for balancing all doshas. With ushna gunna, it helps to reduce Vata dosha, and with ruksha and tikta gunna, it helps to pacify Kapha and pitta doshas.

Systemic Classification

  • Botanical Name - Coptis teeta
  • Family -  Ranunculaceae
  • Genus - Coptis
  • Species - C. teeta

Vernacular Names

  • Sanskrit name - Tiktmoola
  • Hindi and Malayalam name -  mameeri, haldiya bachnaag, mameera
  • Gujarati name  - mameero, mameeri
  • English name - Golden thread root


The depletion of this herb in the northern Himalayas can be attributed to several important factors, including changes in our environment, excessive interference from people in hilly areas, depletion of natural habitat, overexploitation of natural resources, lack of agro-technology, or excessive staring by roaming animals.

  • This plant prefers to thrive in the most northern regions of the northeastern states, in areas with humus soil that are damp and shaded.
  • This little, stemless perennial evergreen plant has the ability to sprout new roots over time. Its exterior layer is yellowish, while the inside has a kind of golden-yellow color.
  • Its leaves range in length from 3 to 12 inches, and its fibrous, bitter rhizome is also present.
  • The length of its leaves is 2 to 3 inches.
  • Its 8–20 cm petioles are incredibly long.
  • Few or tiny flowers with a white or yellowish color..
  • There are a lot of dark-colored seeds in the count.

Ayurvedic Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)



Guna (Physical Property)



Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Effects On Doshas

  • Due to its many qualities, this herb balances all doshas. With ushna gunna, it helps to reduce Vata dosha, and with ruksha and tikta gunna, it helps to calm Pitta and Kapha doshas.
  • This herb offers a number of benefits, including chakshushya (good for eyes),  anti-inflammatory, and lekhana (scrapping) qualities. 

Practical Uses

  • Although this herb can be used for any ailment and is beneficial in balancing all the doshas, it works best in Kapha-pittaja vikaras.
  • This works wonders for catarrh-like illnesses whether applied topically as a paste or as a kajal (liner), which helps a lot with cataracts and other visual impairments.
  • When taken internally, it effectively relieves constipation and aids in boosting the low digestive fire.
  • This has strong anti-inflammatory properties and is also cardiogenic and hepatoprotective.
  • Because of its kaphahara guna, this is used to treat a wide range of respiratory conditions, including sinusitis, COPD, colds, and coughs.
  • This plant is good for Ama pachan, which makes it useful for viral fevers or Visham jwara.
  • This herb is particularly efficient in treating a variety of skin diseases because of its Tikta rasa.
  • This is highly helpful in glycosuria and is also advised in cases of urine retention.

Part used

 Roots are used


Consume one to three grams of root powder.