Dhataki / Woodfordia Fruticosa

A deciduous shrub with many fluted branches, dhataki. Spreading branches on this shrub grow up to a height of 5 to 12 meters. This shrub has long, widely spaced branches, and its long, fluted trunk. The shrub's bark is smooth, reddish brown in color, and has very thin, minute fibrous lines. The leaves are lanceolate, oblong, or oval, and measure 5–9 cm long. Numerous blossoms on this shrub are a vivid crimson color. Along the twigs and branches of this herb, tiny flowers can be found growing individually or in clusters. This herb's flowers each had a little stem that was a thin, curving tube with a greenish base. Fruits are tiny, smooth, brown-colored capsules that are about 1 cm long, ellipsoid, and membranous. From February to April, the shrub is overflowing with vivid red blossoms, and when old leaves fall off, new ones grow. From April through June, its fruits are visible.

General Information

Common names for the Dhataki plant include Fire-flame bush, Shinajitea, and Woodfordia. This herb is utilized in Ayurveda for several medical purposes that are documented in Sanskrit literature. This plant is regarded by Acharya Charka as "asava yoni" In the ayurvedic medical system, flowers are utilized to prepare a variety of remedies that are both astringent and analgesic. This plant is described in the ayurvedic literature as having a variety of qualities, including those related to fertility (garbhasthapaka), anti-diarrhea (controls atisara and pravahikakara), erysipelas (visarpa), poisoning (visha), and monthly irregularities (pradara).

This plant produces a yellow dye that is used for printing in the leaves and twigs. This plant's petals can be used to make crimson dye. Water, methanol, ethanol, chloroform, and ether are the five different solvents used to extract the dried extract of this herb. This herb's methanolic extract works well against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria that cause bacterial illnesses.

The tree's bark has a sharp, bitter, cooling, and uterine sedative flavor. It is used to treat a wide range of conditions, including leprosy, erysipelas, thirst, diarrhea, and different blood diseases. This herb's blooms are also used for color and flavor, in addition to being used to ferment asav and arishta.

Dhataki's flowers primarily contain tannins and cyaniding, while the leaves also include diglucoside, octacosanol, and beta-sitosterol. Pelargonidin-3, polystachoside, ellagic acid, and 5-diglucoside are all abundant in leaves.  Dhataki also includes tetrameric hydrolysable tannins, trimeric hydrolysable tannins, and woodfordins A, B, C, D, E, and F. These herbs also contain lupeol, betulin, betulinic acid, urosolic acid, sisterol, and olealonic acid as additional chemical constituents.


Dhataki is an ayurvedic medicinal herb that is indigenous to Asia and Africa. In India, it is widely dispersed over north India and rises to an elevation of 1500 mt. Most of the time, it may be found in wastelands and wide-open grasslands, but in the summer, it is also grown in gardens. Additionally, it is accessible in China, Madagascar, Pakistan, Ceylon, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, and Indonesia. Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, and West Bengal are among the Indian states where the woodfordia plant can be found.


Kingdom - Plantae

Order - Myrtales

Genus - Woodfordia

Other Names

Hindi name - Dhatki, Dhatri, Dhaura, Ban-mahendi, Dhai, Dhati, 

Botanical name - Woodfordia fruticosa

Sanskrit name - Agnijwala

Kannada name - Daathakee kusumka, Bela, Taamra pushpin

Malayalam name - Tamarpushi, Tatire, Tatiripushpi

Tamil name - Dhathari-jagri, Dhattari

Telugu name - Dhaarhupushpika, Dhaathaki

Tibetan name - Dha-ta-ke, Me-togda tak ki

Urdu name - Gul dhawa

Gujarati name - Dhaavadi

Bengali name - Dhai, Dawai, Dhai phul

Marathi name - Dhalas, Dhayati, Dhadva

Punjabi name - Dhavi

Farsi name - Dhaava

Oriya name - Dhobo, Jaliko, Harwari

Bihar name - Dhai, Dawai

Jammu and Kashmir name - Thwai

Nepali name - Dhangera

Ayurvedic Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)



Guna (Physical Property)

Laghu, Ruksha

Light, Dry

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Effects on Doshas

It balances Pitta and Kapha dosha.

Charak Samhita

Sushrut Samhita


  • Pureesh sangreehniya - Herb used to make the majority of feces better.
  • Mutra viranjneeya - Herb used to make urine the proper color again.
  • Sandhneeya - Herb that is good for mending broken bones.
  • Priyangvadi gana,
  • Ambhashtadi gana
  • Ambastadi gana,
  • Priyangvadi gana

Practical uses

  • Due to its potent astringent properties, dhataki is a highly helpful plant for treating a wide variety of ailments. It is used to treat diarrhea, piles, and dysentery.
  • Dhataki flower is utilized externally to soothe skin blistering. Flowers are applied topically to wounds and ulcers to speed healing and stop granulation and discharge. Dhataki flowers and coconut oil are applied to local burns on the body to reduce the pain.
  • This herb's flowers have immune-modulating and immune-support properties, and they are also utilized to improve immunity and overall bodily health.
  • Dhataki flower decoction is employed in the treatment of dental problems as well as vaginal and anal prolapse. Leucorrhoea can be treated with flower awleha, which is also used to lessen menstruation pain.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis, lumbar and rib fractures, and foot and mouth infections can all be effectively treated using flowers and roots.
  • Fresh flower juice is administered topically to relieve headaches brought on by the pitta dosha.
  • Patients with diabetes who drink a floral decoction experience less thirst and other mouth-related issues.
  • Being a mutra-viranjniye herb, it is utilized to help diabetes patients' urine return to its normal color.
  • It is used to make ayurveda for pitta imbalance and is utilized to relieve fever brought on by pitta dosha.
  • In order to treat opium addicts who also have diarrhea, dhataki flowers are employed.
  • Dried flowers are used to treat a variety of heart-related conditions and are excellent for overall heart health.
  • Pitta and Kapha doshas are calmed by it.

Part used

  • Leaves
  • Fruits
  • Flower
  • Gum


Powder - 3-6gm