Coffee Senna / Cassia occidentalis

Since ancient times, herbs have been employed as pharmacopoeial medications and in traditional medical systems. Herbs contain a variety of phytopharmaceuticals that are essential to human health, agriculture, and other fields. Therefore, it is crucial to have a thorough understanding of herbs in addition to their numerous health advantages.

Cassia species are widely known for their laxative qualities and the treatment of different skin disorders in traditional medicine. It is a member of the Caesalpiniaceae family. Typically, this plant thrives in India's southern regions.

Alternative Names 

Hindi Name: Kasoundi

English Name: Coffee Senna, Styptic weed, Negro Coffee

Urdu Name: Kasonji

Sanskrit Names: Kasaghana (relieves cough), Karkasha, Kasamarda, Arimarda (relieves pain), etc.

Botanical Name: Cassia occidentalis

Medicinal Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)

Tikta, Katu

Bitter, Pungent

Guna (Quality)

Laghu, Ruksha

Light, Dry 

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Effect on dosha

balances all three doshas, however due to its heated potency, it mostly balances the vata and kapha doshas. It functions as 'Pitta Saraka', or letting Pitta out of the body, because of its potent and bitter qualities.

Chemical Constituents

The plant's phytochemical analysis revealed that it contains a variety of nutrients, including sugars, saponins, flavonoids, resins, sterols, alkaloids, terpenes, saponins, anthraquinones, balsam, glycoside, and sterols. The fact that this plant has all of these components demonstrates its considerable potential for application in phytomedicine.

Resins and flavonoids in this plant give it its anti-inflammatory qualities. It lowers blood pressure and regulates the mind and brain during mental illness since alkaloids are present. This plant contains tannins, which promote wound healing and have anti-parasitic properties. Terpenes indicate that it possesses anti-viral and anti-tumor capabilities. It is thought that saponins contain qualities that are anti-viral, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancerous. There have been claims that anthraquinones have the ability to heal wounds.

What actions (Karma) does this plant have in Ayurveda?

Kasaghana (relieves cough)

Mutrala (diuretic)

Akshepa samana (anti-convulsant)

Dipana (appetizer)

Vatanumolan (pacifies Vata dosha)

Jwarghana (anti-pyretic)

Kustghana (beneficial in skin disorders)

Vishaghana (acts as an antidote for poison)

Therapeutic Uses

Treats Cough

'Kasamarda' is the Sanskrit name for this herb. Kasa means to cough, while Marda means to stop or treat. As a result, this herb is a preferred medication for various coughs.

Where Kapha dosha is predominate, the leaves of this plant are combined with honey to treat coughs. Asthma can be effectively treated by taking a 20 ml dose of its flower decoction once or twice a day.

Prevents Constipation

There are numerous medicinal uses for Cassia occidentalis seeds.

Anthraquinone, which has a purgative effect, is present.

Regularly consuming tea made with cassia seeds helps to keep the large intestine well-hydrated and eases bowel movements.

Combats micro-organisms

The growth of many bacterial strains, including Bacillus diphtheriae, Staphylococcus, etc., can be inhibited by cassia seeds.

All fungus-related diseases can be cured by blending cassia seeds with water.

Skin Infections

Applying a paste made from seeds and leaves to sores, ulcers, ringworm, herpes, infections, etc.

This plant's root paste is used for eczema and psoriatic spots when combined with lemon juice.

In order to treat filaria, a paste made from the root of the Cassia occidentalis plant and cow ghee should be internally consumed.

For sidhma kusta (psoriasis), the seeds of Kasamarda and radish are combined with Gandhaka.

Urinary Infections

This plant's decoction can be used to treat inflammation-related illnesses like dysuria and urine retention.

As a Substitute for Coffee,

It is also known as Negro Coffee or Senna Coffee because the seeds of this plant are roasted and ground to make coffee.

The purgative effect of these seeds is lost when they are roasted.

In addition to serving as a coffee substitute, this coffee also treats asthma, convulsions, and hysteria.

Other Uses

  • Its seeds are used to cure heart problems, whooping cough, and other conditions.
  • This plant's leaf paste, which should be consumed in doses of 1 gm twice daily, is particularly effective in treating colic discomfort.
  • For diabetes, its bark infusion is helpful.
  • Kasamarda leaves, neem leaves, sandalwood, and khus grass should be boiled in water and used as a bath remedy for chicken pox.
  • This plant's roots are used as a diuretic, tonic, and treatment for intermittent fevers.
  • Dry the plant's roots in piles, grind them into a powder, and take 5 grams of the herb. 2 grams of the seed powder should be consumed daily for a week.
  • In cases of snake bite, 10 gm of the plant's root powder is chewed three times each day for three days.

Part Used

Roots, leaves, and seeds


It is not advised for those who have diarrhea.