Brihati / Poison Berry / Solanum indicum

Brihati (Solanum indicum) is a prickly, heavily branching shrub that can reach heights of 1 to 5 meters and is typically scattered. The younger branches of this plant have densely accumulated tiny star-shaped hair. The 1 to 5 cm long spines are a brilliant golden color.

The leaves are broad, straightforward, oval-shaped, and prickly in the central vein. They are about 10 cm long. Their 2 cm long, purple flowers are tinted. When the fruits are ripe, they are 1.5–2 cm in diameter and reddish to dark golden in hue. The seeds are silky with very few pits. Long and pale yellowish-brown in hue, roots. Brihati has a 2.5 cm diameter and is woody, cylindrical, ribbed, and well-developed. It has several secondary roots with branches, is fractured, short, and splintery, and lacks a characteristic odor or flavor. Its surface is rough due to the presence of longitudinal striations and root scars.

General Description

Brihati is considered one of the best herbal remedies in Ayurveda for illnesses like colds, coughs, sore throats, and asthma. It works as a diuretic, digestive, and heart-healthy herbal appetizer.

Wax, fatty acids, and the alkaloids solanine make up the fruit and root of this plant. It has also been discovered that the fruits of this plant contain far more phosphorus than calcium. Carotene, carpesterol, solanocarpone, diosogenin, B-sitosterol, lanosterol, solasonine, solamargine, solasodine, vitamin C, and solanidine are additional chemical substances that have been identified in this plant.


  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Family: Solanaceae
  • Genus: Solanum
  • Species: Indicum


Up to 1500 meters above sea level, brihati can be found in tropical and subtropical regions of India and Nepal. This plant can be found all across India, typically in open scrubland, along the side of the road, and in waste areas.


  • English Name - African Eggplant, Bush Tomato, Poison Berry, Indian Nightshade
  • Hindi Name - Badi Kateri, Vanabhanta
  • Punjabi Name - Kandiarivadd
  • Telugu Name - Pedda Mulaka, Tella Mulaka
  • Bengali Name - Rambegun, Vyakud
  • Tamil Name - Anachundai, Papparamalli,
  • Kannada Name - Heggulla, Gulla, Kirugullia
  • Marathi Name - Dorali
  • Assamese Name - Tilabhakuri
  • Gujarati Name - Ubhi ringani
  • Urdu Name - Kateli
  • Farsi Name - Katai Kalaam

Ayurvedic Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)

Tikta, Katu

Bitter, Pungent

Guna (Physical Property)

Laghu, Rooksha

Light, Dry

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)




Effects on Doshas

It balances Kapha and Vata doshas.

Classical Categorization

Charak Samhita

Sushruta Samhita

Vagbhata Samhita

  • Kanthya - a group of plants used to treat throat conditions
  • Hikkanigrahana - a collection of herbs used to cure hiccups
  • Shothahara - herbs with anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Angamarda Prashamana - collection of plants that alleviate pain
  • Bruhatyadi
  • Laghu Pancamula
  • Bruhatyadi

  • Practical Uses

    • In addition to being diaphoretic, expectorant, and stimulant, Solanum indicum contains antioxidant, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, immunomodulatory, and neuroprotective properties.
    • It has been regarded by Ayurveda as one of the best herbs for treating asthma, colds, coughs, and sore throats.
    • Brihati is a herb that helps with digestive issues and works well for hunger, indigestion, diarrhea, gas, and intestinal worms.
    • This herb improves the condition of edema and stimulates and strengthens the heart. It also helps with cardiac diseases, particularly its highly affected Ayurveda for cardiac care.
    • Being a diuretic, it has positive effects on urinary calculi and dysuria.
    • The ability of these seeds to increase uterine contraction has led to their usage in the treatment of dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, difficult labor, and illnesses associated with the post-delivery (post-partum) period.
    • It is helpful in cases of chronic respiratory diseases like asthma.
    • Brihati can aid with abdominal colic pain relief as well.
    • It works well as an anti-inflammatory and can reduce fever and vomiting.
    • Effectively strengthens digestion.
    • This herb is a helpful treatment for diarrhea, IBS, and malabsorption syndrome since it has an absorbent quality.
    • It works well to treat female infertility.
    • Brihati has carminative properties.
    • A very effective herbal remedy for maintaining oral hygiene that can eliminate tongue coating, reduce bad smells in the mouth, and cure toothaches with juice.
    • Plant that is effective in treating anorexia.
    • A potent herbal treatment for skin conditions.
    • Useful for neurological diseases caused by Vata.
    • It can aid with issues with semen ejaculation, and the paste made from its seeds is applied to the penis to enhance erection.
    • It efficiently detoxifies the blood.
    • Alopecia is treated by applying its juice extract externally.
    • The juice of this plant has been used to cure gout, ringworm, and earaches.
    • Helminthes, hard urination, scorpion stings, recurrent fevers, chest pain, catarrah, and asthma are a few additional ailments that can benefit from the application of this herb.

    Part Used

    • Root
    • Fruit


    • 2-3gm of powder, three times per day.
    • Three times daily, take one ounce (30 ml) of the decoction.


    • No adverse effects have been reported.
    • It is preferable to seek medical advice before using this herb if you are pregnant or have young children.