Angurshafa / Soochi (Atropa belladonna)

Eurasia is where the belladonna originated. It is a short-lived herb that produces jet-black colored fruits with lovely bell-shaped red blooms. Atropine, hyoscyamine, and hyoscine (scopolamine), as well as tropane alkaloids, are the main chemical components of this shrub, and because of these components, this herb is referred to as being more potent. This shrub's leaf is particularly helpful because it has a more potent and secure impact than the root. However, the seeds and the fruit of this shrub must be avoided because they can have negative effects.

General Information

The nightshade family Solanaceae includes the perennial herbaceous plant known as Atropa belladonna, which is primarily found in western Asia, North Africa, and Europe. This substance may exhibit some major negative effects if used in an alarming dosage, This herb must be used carefully to prevent these kinds of negative effects, such as seizures, respiratory issues, constipation or bloating, urinary tract sickness, irritability, and constipation. Belladonna is mostly used as a sedative herb, thus doctors advise people with asthma, whooping cough with a cold, or hay fever to take it. It is also good for a variety of Vataj illnesses, such as Parkinsonism and Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or it has analgesic qualities.

Special Note About Soochi 

Belladonna is a plant, whose roots and roots are used to prepare medicines, it is also called the deadly nightshade and is used in Ayurvedic and homeopathic medicines. Belladonna means Beautiful lady, especially in Italy. The juice of Belladona berry was used in ancient times to enhance the size of the pupils of females and give them a beautiful resonance that helps them to attract people towards them. However, it is not a good idea to use this herb for attractive purposes because it may cause ill effects.

Systemic Classification

  • Botanical Name - Atropa belladonna
  • Family - Solanaceae

Other Vernacular Names

  • Hindi - Saag angur, angur shafa
  • Punjabi - Soochi
  • Bengali - Yebrooj
  • Bombay - Girbuti
  • Kannada - Jhallakphala


  • The shrub measures 4 to 5 feet in length.
  • The leaves have a length of three to eight inches, sharp edges, and a thinner underside. These have an oval shape and are simple and deciduous.
  • Its fruits are shiny and have a black color. There are 10 to 20 seeds in it.
  • Its roots can grow up to one foot long, between one and two inches thick, inflamed, and sensitive.
  • Its blooms, which are campanulate and double in shape and pale lavender in color, are 6–12 mm long and appear in the months of June and July with a single pendant auburn blossom.

This is primarily prevalent in areas of middle and southern Europe, although in some hilly regions of India, such as the valleys of Kashmir, it can be randomly distributed.

Classical Categorisation

  • Raj Nighantu - They speculate that the identical variants of Dhatura in Raj Nighantu may have been derived from morphological diversity in the Dhatura genus or Atropa belladonna, both of which exhibit similar traits.

Ayurvedic Properties


Hindi / Sanskrit


Rasa (Taste)

Katu, Tikta  

Pungent, Bitter

Guna (Quality)

Laghu, Ruksha 

Light, Dry

Virya (Potency)



Vipaka (Post-Digestive Taste)



Effects on Doshas

  •  Balances the Kapha and Vata dosha and enhances the Pitta dosha.

Practical Uses

  • This can be applied to problems of the kapha-vata.
  • This is given locally to the inflamed areas, and in cervical spondylosis individuals who have arthritis where the joints are inflamed, we can utilize this shrub in its oil or paste form.
  • This plant is great for reducing discomfort.
    • This herb effectively inhibits the activity of smooth muscles and the production of gastric and pancreatic fluids by binding acetylcholine to muscarinic receptors, which is why it is used to treat peptic ulcers and GERD.
    • The use of this plant might lessen excessive salivation.
    • This herb works because of its Kapha-vata har qualities to reduce cough, respiratory discomfort, asthma, and bronchitis.
    • Its leaves are also used to treat diabetes and all conditions involving the urinary tract.
    • This herb can lessen excessive perspiration over the tight areas of the body.
    • For poisons of the ahiphena (Papaver somnifera) and vatsnabh (Aconitum Ferox) types, this herb acts as an anti-poison.
    • Due to its ruksha gunna and ushna potency, it is effective at reducing itchiness and excessive perspiration.
    • Belladonna is frequently combined with other herbs in contemporary medicine to maximize its effectiveness in treating peptic ulcers. Infection with Helicobacter pylori can also be treated with it.


    • 30 to 60 milligrams of powder can be used.

    Part used

    •  Leaf
    •  roots 


    This medicinal herb is strongly prohibited in patients with glaucoma, benign prostatic hyperplasia, megacolon, and arrhythmias since it could exacerbate their preexisting condition.