American Spikenard (Aralia racemosa)

Indian medicine has employed American Spikenard for hundreds of years to treat a wide range of physical and cosmetic issues. Since antiquity, it has been valued as a precious good and is mentioned in the Bible and the Quran.

Aralia, also known as Aralia racemosa in Latin, is a plant that is indigenous to eastern North America, China, Bhutan, Japan, Nepal, and northern India. It belongs to the family Araliaceae


This herb is also known as musk root, American spikenard, and Indian spikenard. It is known as Jatamansi in Hindi. These include some herbs, some trees, some vines, and some woody plants.

  • It is a perennial plant with a wide range of sizes, some of which can grow up to 50 centimeters tall.
  • The species is pollinated by bees and is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs).
  • Flowers are found in terminal panicles and are greenish or pale in hue. The fruits are round and have a rich purple color.
  • The popular Polyscias cultivars start out with fleshy and herbaceous growth because they are young plants. They evolve into woody stems that eventually develop into smaller shrubs.
  • When grown as bonsai plants, this herb's stems are simple to bend, curve, and train to produce distinctive examples.


Polyscias Filicifolia - Broad-leaved, freely branching Polyscias Filicifolia is also known as fern leaf Aralia. These are more attractive when they are young and little because they grow more quickly, have beautiful leaves and are light and deep green in color.

The fern leaf can be coaxed to grow into a beautiful interior tree as it matures. One plant's leaves can have different shapes, which provides it with a variety of eye-catching appearances. Some of the immature plants have very jagged, lance-shaped leaves that look very "fern-like."

The leaves of mature plants develop into broad, oval shapes.

Polyscias Guilfoylei - Feather aralia, another name for Polyscias Guilfoylei, is a tiny shrub or tree that makes an intriguing plant for the home or workplace. This herb, however, has a very distinct appearance. The plant's leaves are a deep green color.

Medicinal Uses

  • Aralia possesses anti-inflammatory properties that can lessen the burning and agony brought on by bodily inflammations.
  • This plant contains adaptogenic qualities that support blood pressure control.
  • It also treats problems with motor coordination that lessen the effects of vertigo, epilepsy, and seizures.
  • Being an antibacterial, it is also beneficial for treating disorders relating to the skin.
  • It can cross the blood-brain barrier, allowing oxygen to reach brain cells and enhancing memory and cognitive function.

Health Benefits

  • Reproductive System:- The greatest herb for both male and female reproductive systems is aralia. It corrects impotence and assists in addressing sexual insufficiencies. It also eliminates toxins from the uterus and relieves amenorrhea in addition to promoting menstrual flow.

  • Cardiovascular System:- Additionally beneficial to the cardiovascular system, this herb lowers the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis and other heart-related conditions. It maintains the heart robust and healthy.

  • Nervous System:- It benefits the nervous system, which guards against neuronal cell death and defends the brain. It aids in treating neurological conditions as well as problems with the mood, such as depression, headaches, stress, convulsions, hysteria, dizziness, and Alzheimer's disease. Additionally, it enhances cognitive abilities and encourages healthy sleep habits in those who have insomnia.

  • Circulatory System:- This herb treats kidney-related conditions, supports healthy kidney function, and encourages normal urine production.

  • Digestive System:- It stops bloating, which is an inflammation of the stomach lining, and it stops gastritis. Additionally, it cures bloating, indigestion, and constipation in addition to easing digestive system problems.

  • Respiratory System:- Asthma, cough, and other upper and lower respiratory symptoms such as chest pain and congestion, difficulty breathing, fever, etc. are also alleviated.

  • Excretory System:- This herb helps to prevent the development of hepatitis and liver enlargement because it includes vital substances that support the liver's normal function and boost the formation of healthy cells there.